70 Push Ups for Success by Livingstone Imonitie - HTML preview

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I believe you must have said that this year is going to be great, awesome, stress free, wonderful, etc. I'm sorry to say but it's not going to happen. You need to see beyond SAYING it to MAKING it happen.

If you want a wonderful, then work towards it. If you want a great and wonderful year, work towards it. Let's your actions speak louder than your words.

I know some of you will say, 'God will take care of things'. Sir/Ma, that's not how it works, even the bible says He will bless the works of your hands.

See…, you have to WORK.

If you want to be a star, if you want to be great in what you do, if you want to be better this year, you have to work. Apply the right principles, use the right methods, believe in yourself and most especially trust in GOD.

I want a situation where at the end of the year, you will say, 'I made it. I accomplished my dreams'. I want to see you at the top with me because I will be waiting for you there.


(PHD) is what you need to succeed this year.