reacting to areas of my life).
What is my purpose? (Am I reclaiming my power to realize the true nature of my existence, wisdom, abundance and joyfullness?)
Where am I now? (Where are your thoughts coming from, are you in the past or the future?)
Can I allow myself to be present? (This questions brings us into the present moment) Keep repeating these questions, as they are a great tool for being in the present moment.
Self Awareness Affirmation:
I allow myself to aware, present and conscious at all times with ease.
Also remember to keep repeating your new mantra, say; 'Yes to
The above clearing process is an invaluable tool, allowing you to dissolve your inner energy body of accumulated 'lacks', 'stuck thoughts and/or belief systems'.
Please drink plenty of water after each process, as shifting the energy to the point of commencement is a mind, body, spirit detoxification.