When I was young,
I loved my crayons:
first the boxes of five,
bright primary colors.
Later the jumbo boxes
opening me up
to the wonderful
world of color:
pinks and yellows
the colors of pretty dresses,
greens and yellow-greens,
the colors of grass and plants.
Now when I see a hillside
covered with wildflowers,
I think of the crayons
which invaded my youthful soul
with the captivating colors
of life.
Children view the world with a sense of wonder and discovery. As we grow older, it is important for us to try to maintain some of the same excitement and enthusiasm in the world around us that comes so naturally to children. It is that childhood vision of the world that gives to us a special kind of happiness and makes each day of our lives a continuing adventure.
The worst bankruptcy in the world is a person who has lost his enthusiasm.
H. W. Arnold