A Different Voice by June Stepansky - HTML preview

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 At Risk


We are all at risk

all the time.

Children, too, are at risk,

but they are protected

by their teddy bears

and their blankets.


We grown-ups

also need our blankets

and our teddy bears.

How else could we

live our lives

at risk?




We all need something to help us cope with the unpredictability of living. For some of us, it can be religion. For others, it might be a supportive family structure or a loving connection with all human beings who share our mutual vulnerability, or it may even be our own unique system.


Whatever it is, it’s vital to have some coping system that gives our lives the necessary stability and strength to deal with the difficulties of daily living.




No vision and you perish. No ideal, and you’re lost.

Your heart must ever cherish some faith at any cost.

Harriet Du Autermont


A faith to live by, a self to live with, and a purpose to live for.

Bob Harrington
