A Guide Through the Lake of Fire (How to Fix Your Schizophrenia) by M. B. Poirier - HTML preview

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Hello, this is a forewarning to whoever think they know the truth, and have knowledge. Because you can’t truly know something concrete until you have hit the ledge of what it is you think you know. Then you know you can’t go any further to whatever subject you are pursuing , unless you want to go over that ledge and feel the freefall descent where no one has ever came back to tell about it. Or, have a few seconds to write it down on a piece of paper. Whom ever found the carcass got his turn to become the messenger of this superb piece of advice that should be shared with the world. Gone are the days that keep people ignorant, or one would hope so. Or that what is aspiring and meaningful is used against people and in terms turned on them by foreseeable forces which no one can control it and in return, gets punished for, with prisons, physical ones and metaphorical ones was well. There’s obviously a crisis and an opposition in our world, when we are faced with what God really is in our modern day societies. Theses mystical complexities of the universe, and it is in fact mystical, should be viewed as an advance by mother nature and should be viewed as such, rather than seeing it as an error for the profit of selling pharmaceuticals. Perhaps there is something within our modern day belief system that we are not getting, which mystify all of us , this notion can easily be basked in awe.


For example how can this surge of general critical thinking and raised awareness by let’s say an overt conception that everybody is watching you, how is it that it cannot be our brains trying to adapt to the explosion of the urban lifestyle? How is it that it is not simply how we live, where we don’t need our survival instinct, which this instinct is trying to adapt itself or maybe has been caged like an an