A Guide Through the Lake of Fire (How to Fix Your Schizophrenia) by M. B. Poirier - HTML preview

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Now that you are completely out of it, that you are completely out of control of your situation and that the only thing that you can do is hate yourself, now is the time to pause right there and to just sit back, relax, sit on your favorite chair, meditate and let all the worries go as you have done absolutely nothing wrong to be at this point, regardless of what anything or anyone has said or is doing. Whatever it is cannot kill you or hurt you but is trying to have its way with means of fear, hate and confusion upon you. Bask in God.


Realize now that you we re in a different part of a world that is unknown to you and to others. You probably feel like a sense of belonging in this world now but it is just for this moment as it is just a way to re - establish how you we re and it’s a step closer to how it should be. It will feel like a personal manifestation towards the self. But it is important also to think about others as well. But you will learn that in time.


The reason why the voices feel negative, disorganized and insulting is because they are meant to be that way, they are meant to cause you distress and harm and pain. Most of you will say "obviously" but at least now you can take the "why" out of the equation, or beat yourself down with it and think this is all your fault.


I know that your doctor or mainly all of society will tell you that the re is nothing there, or that it doesn't exist, but that is not a way to get people heal and we human must have a value something that we can calculate on in order to have a focus on something to have or to maintain control. You can not cure "nothing".


There is something about what you must also know, and I call this the way of the gladiator. And it is to know how to take the pain, in fact you have to take the pain, you pretty much have no