A Shortcut to Success by Bob Huttinga PA-C - HTML preview

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Can you create an amazing life
for someone else?

The answer to that is a resounding NO.

People always ask me this. They want to help their friends and relatives.

The truth is that each and every one of us is on our own path. Some are searchers and some are followers. Some are producers and some are drifters. Some are workers and some are here on vacation. It really does not matter. We are all here on our own path.

Often, people have an awakening experience that shifts them out of being a passive drifter into an active producer, and they begin to create their own lives instead of being a pawn in the lives of others.

After reading this book, you are likely to be more awake than you were before reading it. However, some will read this and say, “That is BS,” and move on with their lives as they were before.

No worries. As I said, each and every person is creating his or her own path, either knowingly or in innocent ignorance. I have wasted many hours trying to help people who were neither seeking help nor ready or willing to make any changes.

In my work as a physician assistant, I often see people who are seekers. I will use words and phrases that they recognize because they are searching. Sometimes I will ask them if they are aware of or have read certain books. If they are on a searcher’s path, we will develop some special rapport.

Everyone already has a creative process that works for them. Some creative processes work very well, producing their desired outcomes. Some creative processes work very poorly, with undesirable outcomes. It is not my place to attempt to change that, to judge where others are on their path, or to think everyone should be on the same path as mine. I only give advice if I am asked; however, I will sometimes recommend books or CDs that will be awakening for some people. But, ultimately, I believe everyone is responsible for their individual self just as I am only responsible for my own self.

Often, when someone finds a creative process that works well for them, they become a zealous missionary, feeling they have to convert everyone else around them to their way of thinking. This is a good way to lose a lot of friends. Your co-creation process is for your personal use only. If you want to share the formula in this book, do that only with someone who “gets it” and is also working on themselves. My father always said, “Live and let live.” Fix yourself first, and then share with those who are also looking for ways to improve their lives.

Fear and doubt can be created in you by those who are not ready to be responsible for their lives. They do not think you should be so bold as to think you can create an amazing life for yourself. Did anyone ever say to you, “Who do you think you are anyway?” If that happens or has happened, write that person a letter; add the endings about loving, blessing, releasing, and forgiving that I wrote about earlier in this book; read it with the endings; and then burn it. Everyone must create their own amazing life for themselves. If we are not actively doing this, we are drifters who are pawns in the lives of producers who are using us to create their amazing lives.

All that being said, there is a chance that you might be able to influence others to help themselves; however, you cannot do that by nagging, pestering, and criticizing them. If you really want to help people who are important to you, use the formula in this book with them. Write an emotional release letter to them. Read it three times and burn it. Clarify in your mind what you think would be in their best interest (it must be in their best interest, not yours). Then, just before going to sleep, make a mental movie of them accomplishing that goal. In your mind, congratulate them on their success. If you awaken during the night and think about this person again, briefly replay your mental movie before drifting back to sleep. Do this a few nights and then forget about it. If they are ready for change and just need a little boost, they might accept your vibrational message and the change will proceed naturally.

Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” — Rumi

Remember, you must present your message as if it were in their best interest, not yours. If they are not ready, they will not recognize the vibrational match and nothing will happen. However, a very interesting thing will happen to you. You will find that whatever actions they were doing or statements they were making that bothered you will no longer be an issue for you. You will realize that you have just created a happier and more amazing life for yourself. If they do something with the new vibration, that is up to them.