A Shortcut to Success by Bob Huttinga PA-C - HTML preview

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Using the formula to get ahead and create an amazing life

“We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them” – Albert Einstein

This information sounds redundant, and it is repeated on purpose. This information is so important that I will repeat it several times more so it gets programmed into your brain.

This is a formula. It is a recipe that works. Do all the steps in order. Doing them out of order does not work. You cannot drive down the road before you start the engine of your car. You cannot send an email before you turn on your computer.

Do these steps in the following order:

First, do mental surgery on the memories of your past. Remove the mind viruses. Create a timeline of all events that were not what you would have preferred. Begin to write emotional release letters. Forgive everyone you think did something wrong to you. Revise every detrimental event that you can think of. Mentally ask forgiveness of everyone who you think you have wronged. Forgive yourself for things you have done that were not the smartest choices. Do mental surgery in your language and your stories. Stop adding in new negative events like those broadcast on the television news. Remember to re-create your day every night.

Use the following natural remedies: Homeopathic remedies to release old blocked emotions (review the list of remedies that help specific emotional blocks). Take the Bach Flower remedy Honeysuckle to let go of the past. Apply the Essential Oil blend Forgiveness to release, forgive, and forget memories of the outdated past. These remedies will move you into the freedom of a future without carrying any excess baggage.

Remember to forgive is to forget. Not everyone agrees with this. I suggest you pay attention. After you have written and burned a letter, revised an event, and forgiven those involved, go back a month later, and try to remember it. At best, it will be vague.

Second, think about goals and desires for your future. You must know what you desire to experience. You must write that down to clarify it. This is like putting an address in your GPS. If you do not put an address in that search field, you only have a map of where you are at present, but you have no guidance to get where you desire to go. If God cannot see your desire clearly, how can you expect divine help?

We must clarify what we desire to be, do, and have. How many of you know how to clarify butter? Yes, we just have to add some heat and soon the butter melts and separates into clear and cloudy parts. In our life, sometimes a little heat will help us clarify what we really, really desire. If something goes wrong, do not be disappointed, sad or quit. Simply realize that your goal is being clarified so that you can say with conviction, “No! That is not what I desire; but this is what I really, really expect to experience instead.” Then, play your mental movie of your desire as if you have already accomplished it.

“In the face of every problem, breathe and say to it, ‘Thank you for being in my life. You are a testament to my creative power … now watch me transform you into a blessing” – Dennis Merrit Jones

Then view this new desire as your new goal, a new goal that just got clarified by the heat of that negative event. With this new understanding, that event will not ever become one of those events that negatively impact you. It will just be something that helped you to clarify your desires.

Third, just before going to sleep, create a mental movie. In this movie, imagine what you desire as if it were already completed. Insert a feeling of gratitude. Imagine shaking hands with someone. The handshake might symbolize one of two things: You are being congratulated for accomplishing your goal or you are thanking someone for helping you achieve your desire.

Repeat the mental movie each night just before sleep until you get to a point when you awaken in the morning with surprise that your mental movie is not yet a reality. When you feel a certainty that it is created, you can start on another project.

This thinking process is the actual mechanism for creation of every part of our lives.

We can stop this creation process with a counter intention. For example, when a hen lays a fertilized egg, the laws of nature dictate that it must hatch in 21 days. That incubation process can be stopped by allowing the egg to cool too much, to overheat, or by stepping on it. Be wary of mind virus thinking from the past that can stop the creation process: “I want a car, but I cannot afford it,” “I want a great marriage, but I do not trust men,” and so forth.

That is why you must clean up the past. When there are no obstacles (blocking thoughts or memories from the past) that are holding you back and you are thinking correctly from your desire, it is easy to create an amazing seemingly magical life.

JR is a patient whose husband passed away four years earlier. She had completed her grieving and had already written some emotional release letters and burned them, clearing much of her old baggage. But she was still lonely and wanted to remarry. She had dated a few men, yet she really was not attracted to any of them.

One day when she was in my office, I told her to write a list of ten characteristics that were important to her in a husband and a marital relationship. I told her to take the words on the list and turn them into a mental movie just before going to bed every night until she felt like her creation project was completed.

About two weeks after beginning this process, she got an urge to go to the dating web site Match.com. On that site, she met a man from a nearby city and started a short-distance relationship. A few weeks went by, and they were getting along nicely. Then, he asked her for money. Of course, warning flags went up and she called Match.com, which told her they were aware of reports from other women from whom he had asked for money, and they had already removed his listing. They also told her that he was not using his real name.

This is a very kind lady and she began to worry about the men who had the actual name that this guy had been using. She went online and googled the fictitious name and found two men with that name, both in distant states. She called one of the men. When he answered, she related the whole story. This led to several long phone conversations and many emails back and forth. Eventually the two met and, sure enough, he had all the characteristics she had put on her list two months before.

She did not marry this man because he became ill and died not too long after their initial meeting. These circumstances, however, did lead her to meet someone else nearer to her home. He also had all the characteristics on her list. As of this writing, she is in the process of moving to his city. She is very happy and much healthier than she was before this started.

Was it a coincidence that a fraudulent man came into her life and happened to use the same name as another man who happened to have the traits she desired in a husband? Skeptical people might say yes; however, I know from my own experience with thinking correctly about the future that this was not an accident or blind coincidence. Events of this sort are created coincidences. This is what I call co-creation—you and God bringing a plan together in an amazing way.

Co-creation is very simple; we often think it is too simple. Sometimes we want to complicate the process. That is why there are just three steps: Clean out detrimental memories of the past, clarify our desires, and imagine and visualize our desire as if we have already done it.

I have had several Christians tell me that my explanation for co-creation is wrong. They tell me that it is God who decides and delivers those experiences in His timing. I agree; however, we must tell God our desires with a very clear statement of those desires and with a true feeling of gratitude. When our desires are not contaminated by our outdated filters, negative memories, and fearful beliefs, they can become physical reality very quickly. Faith, certainty, and gratitude are the emotions required.

The fact is that every prayer is answered. The questions are: How did we pray and for what did we pray? Did we pray from our past with fear and doubt or from the future with faith and certainty, as if it were already done? Did we pray our desire with faith that we already had it or from our fear that we would not receive it?

God wants us to have our desires. So, are we begging, whining children with no clear understanding of what we really desire or do we present our case to God with clarity and definiteness of purpose?

Mishaps are like knives that either serve us or cut us, as we grasp them by the blade or the handle. — Herman Melville