Amazing by Roger Limington - HTML preview

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Chapter Four

Stop and be Amazed


To discover your own powerful self, all you have to do is



Stop playing your societies games. Stop being involved in your daily grind, just stop, switch off the cultural noise around you, relax and experience the moment. Just stop and connect with the real and powerful you, the authentic, vibrating essence that is the real and powerful you and connects the spirit to all. Realise it is in the shelter of others that the people live.


You don't have to drop out of society for twenty seven years or live in a cave in the Himalayas in a cupboard drinking Yak milk and chewing on obscure mountain weeds. Just switch off the television, the radio, the phone, the computer and remove yourself from all life's distractions for a few minutes and feel the power of your inner self and conscience; the real you, the core you, the powerful you that only you know – the authentic, universally loving and aware you.


As an authentic human, there is no reason to play small. Living a life that is less than the one you are capable of living is the result of living in a contaminated, Pathocratic, repressive society. Life is for living – live it! Celebrate it – love it, every day!


What is it that we really want? We push ourselves instead of allowing ourselves. We try hard to please other people and this enormous effort blinds us to our incredible inherited potential. We need to allow ourselves to be ourselves. It's important to allow yourself to know what you know from the inside, your intuition, instead of forcing yourself to be what others think you should be - to 'fit in.' When there is so much importance to 'be' and become, we often cannot see what we really want or what we are, even when its staring us in the face. We become easily led and controlled.


Money will never buy happiness; the illusion of money that people chase will not benefit them emotionally. It is the spiritual connection of pure love, trust and sharing that brings contentment and happiness.

The island villagers I lived with, with no need for money or governmental interference, demonstrated this simplicity and bathed daily in happiness. If you don’t believe people can be outrageously happy without money or government, just visit the remote Pacific islands and see for yourself. These people are deliriously happy.


To enter into our power, our truth, our internal divinity and alignment, we need to be in the vibration of love, not fear. When we live in a state of fear, our vitality and spirit contracts. Ultimately, love is strength, freedom and true happiness and not bound by physical space, boundaries or time. With a spiritual connection to all around us, love is the link that removes the fear of life and the fear of death.


Think of the times you were separated by large distances from family, friends, siblings or lovers. Did you love them any less because of enormous distances apart? Of course, not: as we grow older and look back at the times spent separated from loved ones, the feelings of love are as strong as the day they were apart.


When we understand and accept the power of unconditional love and compassion, we learn to love all people for whom they are and not try to change them. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve love, affection, appreciation and respect.

The Pathocracies controlling societies have no concept or understanding of this simple and powerful reality and rule entirely from hatred, lies and fear. Like military indoctrination over the millennia, they do all in their power to disconnect you from love, compassion and your powerful philosophical self. They have no comprehension of love; the closest they get to love is sex. While reproduction is a wonderful part of existence, sex is not love. Ask any sex worker if sex is love, it most certainly is not.


Joseph Campbell, an American writer and lecturer, told a story revealing what true power is, and how the ruling class seldom holds it. His story goes like this -


A king ruled a large kingdom in India and met a sadhu who gave him such good advice that the king invited the penniless monk to stay with him and become his chancellor. "You will be the second most powerful person in the land." The king told the monk.

The sadhu declined the king's offer and laughingly said, "Thank you, but I am already the most powerful person in the land."


The king, who commanded legions of armies and possessed treasure beyond imagination, was not amused. He asked the sadhu to explain his impertinence.


The sadhu responded by inviting the king to go horse riding and they rode all day until they reached the river marking the border of the king's empire. The sadhu spurred his horse into the river and crossed into the neighbouring kingdom. From the other side he called for the king to join him.


The king called back saying he could not go further for he was not safe beyond the borders of his own kingdom, validating the sadhu's point of true power.


True power is freedom of spirit.

There are no riches in the world can buy spiritual freedom or armies that can control it, yet all authentic humans possess it. Until we understand the magnificent power of our feelings, our mind and soul or what is within us, we cannot understand much around us.


People in western society know so much, yet understand so little.


Stop and see yourself as the incredibly powerful and amazing life source you really are. You don't have to bow to deities or seek spiritual guidance from obscure gurus.


You don't have to belong to spiritual groups with arguable promises of extended existence.


You don't have to recite mantras ad infinitude.

Everything for spiritual awareness is contained within you. It is you, the real, authentic you. It is your life source, vibrating in perfect alignment with all around it. You are a beautiful measure in the cosmic symphony of life.


Stop and see yourself as wonderfully powerful, courageous, loving and worthy of wonderful things. A person who has courage, love and spirituality will never die in misery! Know that genetically, you have an infinite capacity for love, understanding, knowledge, wisdom and sharing through expanding loving networks and understand you don't have to give money to anyone or anything for this realisation; it is part of being human, a human being, it is a part of you. It always has been part of you and it always will be a part of you. It is you! The desire you feel to help and connect with other people is a flame, never extinguished that burns in every authentic human. It is available for you to access at all times and has no price attached. All you have to do is acknowledge your inner self, the real, beautiful and powerful you, the authentic you, your real and true self and live your life fearlessly (without fear).


Simply love yourself unconditionally and always look from the pure, inner you to the outside. Everything you need for your spirituality is miraculously contained within you! It is hard wired in your Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid. It is your bountiful, universal, unconditional inheritance. Realise your incredible potential to do wonderful things for yourself, your family and your society through your capacity for love and understanding. You are born infinitely rich and powerful with this free, beautiful, bountiful universal gift.


You are born with the real and authentic you, which does not need to be produced, it is part of you. This real you, not the person society sees, not the person society shapes, but the powerful, feeling, inner you, needs to be discovered and nurtured. No society allows this to happen because the real self is dangerous for the states, the traditions, the crowds, the religions. When you realise your true self, you become an individual. When you realise you are born with your authentic, powerful self and discover you are a gifted individual with genetically encoded morals, you cannot be exploited. You no longer belong to mob psychology and cannot be led like sheep. You cannot be ordered and commanded.

Life lived from the strength of inner awareness, realisation and authenticity will have amazing beauty, integrity and freedom and that is the fear of ALL human social structures.