Amazing by Roger Limington - HTML preview

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Chapter Five

Become The Richest Person On Planet Earth


As authentic humans, we realise we are a thread in an enormously colourful fabric of life, where everything down to a molecular level is connected. Every breath we take has been shared by countless life forms around us for millennia. We are part of a complex and constant universal love that extends to all life forms. We are a vibrating mass of atomic intricacy linked to a vibrating mass of incomprehensible complexity.


Authentic humans are spiritual beings that exhibit love and understanding of their actions and are capable of positive, loving, supportive networks. Our amazing ability to love, show compassion and understanding is hard wired into our genetic make-up. It's part of being an authentic human. It is the basic social framework for our survival.


Just as we don't have to be taught how to breathe air or digest food, it's instinctive. We don't have to be taught the wonder of love, conscience and understanding; it's a natural part of the human experience. We need to have these emotions recognised and nurtured, as this is the wonderfully powerful part of our human inheritance.


I listened to people during my life who said, “Life doesn’t come with a users manual.”

After many days of living on planet earth, I can say life does come with a users manual. Your society makes sure you never read it, but it is there, programmed into your DNA. It is your conscience, the rule book that is etched in your psyche. It is your desire to connect harmoniously with other people. It is your desire to reproduce. It is your desire to live.

Your desire to collect material wealth is an attempt to plug the emotional vacuum created by a Pathocracy. To be the richest person on planet earth you need to re-connect with your authentic core that has has been suppressed and all it takes is awareness, wonder and willingness to try.


We are born rich.

Rich beyond measure.

Richness that can never be stolen.

Rich in the true meaning of the word.

Rich in our depth of emotional understanding, feelings, wisdom, love, caring, creativity, trust and joy: rich in the authentic meaning of the word. With this inherent richness, we are able to reap the beauty, wonder and support that surrounds us.


Know that your amazing, inherent human spirit, with its capacity for love, dazzling forgiveness, incredible joy and learning will make amazing changes to the world we all share. As authentic human beings, gifted with the full spectrum of human emotions, we have the ability to forge alliances built on sound human foundations that create and maintain lasting emotional connections that make sense.


Embrace the incredible diversity of human society globally. We are all similar yet uniquely and wonderfully different.

We all tread different paths, but arrive at the same destination.


Each authentic human ethnicity is a celebration of genetic multiplicity, social diversity, wisdom and love.

Every genuine culture and society has contributions to the total whole and should be heard. Unlike the ruling Pathocracy, all authentic humans have the capacity for incredible change, personally, emotionally and socially. Universally united by our beautiful sense of inherent conscience and truth, we have all the tools necessary for creating lasting, functioning societies.


The tools for co-operation are free to all, donated at birth, not restricted by time, race or gender. They do not require licensing, university degrees or payment to any party; they are our bountiful inheritance, our moral guidance.


No person is in bondage to another, we all free in the truest sense to live our fleeting life in the abundance of beauty, love and happiness. No person or group of persons has the right to remove that universally inherited freedom and joy.


Knowledge is power and armed with knowledge and conscience, you are more powerful than any weapon ever created. Liberty requires the knowledge and courage that unlike authentic, feeling humans, those in control are often seriously emotionally challenged and should be pitied and isolated.

Yesterday is history,

Tomorrow is the future

And now is a miraculous, exquisite gift.


Love yourself unconditionally; count your life by happiness, selfless actions, precious memories and friends, not coins. Live your precious life authentically, fearlessly and beautifully for the benefit of all.

Don't look to the heavens, look to the hand that's been holding yours all these years and learn to listen.


Be the change you wish to see in the world and reap the reward of real richness every day.