Anxiety & Panic Attacks by I Feel Good Magazine - HTML preview

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There are people that have frequent panic attacks and allow themselves to become almost helpless.  There are some places where they will have stay away from because it can trigger another attack.








Or a person may not be able to participate in some activities, like going shopping and related outings.  Most of the time, they are confined to where they live and wont go out unless someone else is with them.


This condition is called agoraphobia, which is when a person is fearful of open spaces or being out and about by themselves.  If they seek help early for this, the progressive treatment can be successful.


It is a very treatable anxiety disorder and will respond to most medications or therapies that are provided to them.  Medication and/or therapy can help the affected person to alter the way that they think in order to rid themselves of fear and anxiety.


If you have frequent panic attacks, you may have a panic disorder.  Panic attacks become a panic disorder when the condition becomes chronic.  You life can be in serious danger, along with others.