Anxiety & Panic Attacks by I Feel Good Magazine - HTML preview

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Originally, antidepressants were used for treatment of depression.  However, they also work for those that are suffering from anxiety disorders.  They work to change the chemistry in the brain.  Once the initial dose is taken, it takes at least 4 to 6 weeks before the symptoms will go away.  The medication must be taken as directed in order for this to work.


SSRIs Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors these antidepressants work to change the level of the communication of the brain cells.  Some of the more common ones are Prozac, Zoloft and Lexapro.


They are used to treat any panic disorder that is mixed with social phobia, depression or OCD.  Since these are newer, they don't have as many side effects. However, those that use them may experience being jittery or nauseated in the initial stages of taking them.  This is only temporary.


Tricyclics These antidepressants are older than SSRIs and are used for anxiety disorders other than OCD.  They are administered with a low dosage and increase gradually.


Side effects include being dizzy, dry mouth, drowsy and weight gain.  This can be eliminated by adjusting the dosage or using another medication of the same kind of antidepressant.  Tofranil is used for GAD and panic disorder; Anafranil is used for OCD.


MAOIs Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors these are the oldest of the antidepressants available to use for these conditions.  It is mostly used for anxiety disorders, attacks and related conditions.


Some of the more common ones are Nardil, Marplan and Parnate.  When taking MAOIs, there are certain foods and drinks that you have to stay away from.  That would include cheese and red wine.