Anxiety & Panic Attacks by I Feel Good Magazine - HTML preview

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Medication And Treatment


For the most part, medication is used for anxiety attacks, disorders and related conditions.  The choices can depend on what the condition is and what the person wants. A physician must conduct a thorough evaluation to determine if they are indeed suffering from one of these mental health conditions.


If so, it must also be established as to what type of disorder they are dealing with.  If there is a combination of things, they must also be identified so that the physician will know how to treat it.


If they have already received treatment from an existing or a past anxiety disorder condition, the physician needs to know that.  They also need to know if medication was given and the dosage.


Or if they had other treatment, that needs to be disclosed as well.  If there were any side effects, that should be included, along with any therapy that was provided and if it was beneficial for them.


There are some people that feel that the treatment they received did not work for them. Sometimes, it could be they may not have had enough time for the process to change or it was not done correctly.  Some people may have to go through different medications or treatments to find what will work for them.


Medication is not the cure all for anxiety disorders, attacks and related conditions. However, medication can control these conditions while the person is receiving therapy. Medication can only be used if a physician prescribes it.


They are usually prescribed by psychiatrists that offer therapy of work with colleagues that provide some of the same services.  For the most part, the medications that are used for anxiety disorders are:


Antidepressants <