Attaining Superstar Status the Super Smart Way by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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You’ve being a student at a school at some point in your life and you’ve observed that there was one student in your class who got the prizes during prize giving day. The school management would call out the student before the crowd of other students and persons in attendance as they clap to welcome the student to the platform. Those who had never known the student suddenly get to know him because he has being brought to the limelight for his scholastic capacity.

Superstars are scholars. They study and become the popular genius that people know. They’d spend huge time with books with the utmost belief that they can outdo the standards that they have come to meet. They try to find solution to problems in books because they believe that books contain treasures and only those who read them find them.

Superstars understand that they are mare students of life. As students they have to seize every opportunity they have to learn. When I was little, along with other kids in my neighborhood, we carried this notion that those who wore reading glasses were very brilliant scholars. As we grew however, I discovered that everyone is a scholar. One doesn’t have to put on glasses to feel like he is able to use his brain.

A scholastic student is always reading. Superstars follow the same trend. The Bible even reckons “study to show you approved. Search God’s book for in it, you have the knowledge of your eternal life.” Life actually arrives for the person who will study. You only discover secret when you search. This is why superstars have a library of books from which they peruse from time to time.

You need a personal library. Superstars don’t just have books on the shelf, but books they have read. It’s not enough to buy books, it becomes enough when you read them. I read a story of a young man who had asked his father for a certain brand of car gift on his birthday. On that day, he anticipated his gift only to have his father give him a brand new bible with a short note, “read it”. This young man was angry and threw the bible with the note to a corner of his room and walked out of the room never returning home. Many years later his father died thinking about him and left him his estate. On hearing his father’s death, this young man returned home sad. He went into his room and there was the bible the same way he had had left it. He picked up the bible and opened it for the first time. He heard the sound of a tinkling on the ground and there was the key to the car he had asked many years ago with the note “check the basement. Only if the Youngman had opened the bible, he could have built a relationship with his father and maybe his father wouldn’t have died the way he died. The key is in “just open the book”.

Many great superstars boast of being voracious readers. The late Myles Munroe was a voracious reader. He said he read over and over the books he read just to ensure the messages in the book were well understood. You have to study the books you read, lines upon lines, concept upon concept. You will need a pencil and a notepad.

As much as we have talent and gifts lying inside us which we are developing, studying books related to our talent and gifts could help us release these talents in a way we could never have done by ourselves.

Students of life have to be students in the real sense. The question however is what are you studying? You can’t be a superstar if you are not working at developing something that you already have knowledge of. We don’t know as much as we should so reading books of people who have attained great things in our direction can be very soothing.

I spoke to a group of young people about the use of the night for studying and why the night is best. The night is calm and devoid of distractions of the day. This doesn’t take away the fact that you can also study during the day. You don’t have to read for long hours, an hour or two is enough.

Studying helps you develop your brain. Superstars are very bright people not just because people look up to them, the process of becoming one requires stringent work and can only be possible when one puts himself to studying.

I often think that ants have a studying or scholarly group which offers advice to them when they face a huge task. When an ant wants to carry a big prey, it finds other ants to help. If the number of ants is unable to get the task done, it goes for other ants to join them. That’s what being scholastic does. As you study, you build the extras that get the task done.

Being scholastic requires that you study one step at a time. Don’t rush it, you don’t have to. No one rushes across a book and gets everything in the book. You have to read each chapter paying rapt attention to the details.

Only those who study know. Only those who know are scholars. Scholars certainly become superstars over time. You can and will achieve great things. You are that superstar scholar.





… The world is a book and those who do not travel read only a page

– Saint Augustine