Authentic Living by Tomislav Tomic - HTML preview

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This morning before I went to work I went for a cup of coffee to a cafe    near the office I work in. After  he  served  me,  the  bartender  kept  trying  to find out the reason why I am so well disposed.   I replied that there was no particular reason for it.

Obviously,  he  didn't  believe  me  and  kept  asking  me  to  tell  him  the  reason because he wished to hear at least some good news for the day. He told me how depressed he was   about this world going “for the worse” and that he is looking forward to every piece of good news to make him feel a little better.

When I asked him why he thought the world was “going for the worse”, he replied that it is enough to read the newspaper or watch the news on TV  and  see  very  clearly  that  something  is  happening  to  this  world  and that everything is going wrong.

He was so convinced of his attitude that I felt it was pointless to try and change the subject of our conversation. Besides, I had to go to the office, where my clients waited for me.

On my way to the office I began thinking about his views on life. He was completely convinced that what he had read in the papers or seen in the news was the only reality there is.

Be as it may, I was very surprised by his choice. Putting his own life at the mercy of news reporters who purposefully choose to fill newspapers and  television  news  with  information  which  is  aimed  at  intimidating people and maintain fear levels only in order to keep as many viewers and readers as possible?

And pay them for it?!

I  must  admit  that  I  even  feel  a  sort  of  respect  for  editors  of  certain newspapers and TV news because they have practically brought the art of manipulation to virtual perfection.

But,  no  matter  what   we  think  about  the  matter,  those  editors   and journalists are doing their jobs completely legally and they are trying to find the best ways to attract and keep their viewers and readers. It is not their fault that many people don't even bother to think but just accept the information that is served them without any questions whatsoever.

No doubt, the world is going “for the worse”… for those who consume stories like that – stories filled with violence, deceit, and fear. As long as they accept this way of thinking and looking at the world, they really cannot except anything else.

Long  ago,  the  ancient  wise  men  have  left  us  a  message  (and  quantum physics  has  confirmed  it)  that  our  way  of  thinking  causes  the  reality which we experience. We become that which we think about.

Our world can indeed go “for the worse” or “for the better”, but that is related to our way of thinking and looking at the world. In order to change our  reality,  it  is  necessary  that  we  change  the  way  we  look  at  life  and people around us, and that we become completely independent in our way of thinking and the process of forming our own attitudes.

Be brave and bold, and dare to think and talk about what you want and believe you are entitled to. It does not matter what others think about it. It does not matter what “the news” and “newspapers” say. Do not be afraid to ask what belongs to you. Even if nobody around you thinks this way, do not let that stop you. Everybody has a path of their own so you do not need to expect people to adapt to you.

Fear   is   man's   worst   enemy.   Nobody   else   has   destroyed   so   many wonderful  dreams  as  fear  has  done.  Nobody  ever  destroyed  so  many wonderful opportunities as fear has done.

We  become  that  which  we think  about  –  said  Buddha  several  thousand years ago. Change  your  way of thinking and the  world around  you will change as well.

The  newspapers  and  news  will  still  be  full  of  negative  stories  and contents... but if you stop paying attention to them and you change your way of  thinking in  a  way that  you  deal  only  with  those  thoughts  which lead toward the reality that you wish to create and then experience, your life will become more and more a wonderful melody that never ends.

Only  think  about  that  which  you  wish  to  experience  in  your  reality. Others thoughts are simply to be rejected. Period.