Authentic Living by Tomislav Tomic - HTML preview

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The Universe in which we live in is a field      of      endless      possibilities. Whatever  you  imagine,  it  can  really exist. The only limitation  there  is,  is the  one  you  have  created  in  your mind.

This is precisely the reason why we can only experience in our reality that which  can  be  expressed  through  us.  Our  dominant  convictions  form channels   through   which   universal   energy   can   flow,   helping   us   to experience  a  manifestation  of  universal  energy that  flows  through  us  in accordance with our convictions.

«Whatever   comes   in,   comes   out   as   well».   The   reality   which   you experience is just a mirror reflection of what is in you and through which the universal energy flows. Just change what is inside you, and you will be experiencing a different reality.

That  is  precisely  the  reason  why  it  is  crucial  to  make  a  clear  decision about  the  reality  you  wish  to  experience.  Only  when  you  have  made  a clear decision about the reality which you want to experience will you be influencing  the  energies  around  you  in  a  way for  them  to  start  forming according to your decision.

Making a clear decision about the reality you wish to have is one of the most important things you can do for yourself. Making a clear decision is the most wonderful gift you can give yourself. The clearer the decision, the more aligned with your decision will the reality you experience be.

Making a clear decision means completely closing your mind to all other options except the one you have decided to accept. Once you have made the clear decision in your mind, nothing else exists other than that which you  have  decided  for.  Making  a  clear  decision  means  agreeing  to  deal only with those thoughts whose contents are in line with your decision.

However,   making   a   clear   decision   about   the   reality   you   wish   to experience is no easy process. It is very serious business, and if you don't take it seriously like you would any important project, you can just forget the whole thing.

As soon as you have made a clear decision, you will begin to search for arguments around you that support the decision you have made, and you will naturally be inclined toward manifesting that which you have decided to experience. With enough perseverance, your decision must become the reality which you are experiencing.

Make a clear decision about the reality you want to experience and take full responsibility for such a big step. Do not just rely on divine provision, waiting   for   a   “heavenly   sign”   to   start   doing   things.   You   need   to understand  that  divine  provision  as  most  people  understand  it  does  not exist.  God/Originator/Higher  Self/Creator  wishes  to  help  you  and  be  at your  disposal  at  all  times,  but  you  must  understand  that  he  will  not  do your part for you.

Imagine a situation where a parent does his child's homework instead of his  child.  That  would  be  harmful,  wouldn’t  it?  Any  responsible  parent realizes full well that they need to let the child do their own homework, and that they are only to help the child if they see that the child has done their best in their efforts to do the homework.

Many things in our lives happen along the lines of the same principle. A clear  decision  is  a  presupposition  for  any kind  of  progress  in  any  area. Individuals who are determined will advance in all areas of their interest, whereas   those   who   are   undetermined   stagnate   more  and   more   and constantly complain about how hard and unjust life is.

So make a clear decision about  your life as  you  want it to be, and then stick with it!