Authentic Living by Tomislav Tomic - HTML preview

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There are many people who live their lives in what an author called “quiet desperation” and  hope  that  their  lives  will  change  when  their  circumstances  in  life change.

Some of them expect they will be living a happy life once they have met a suitable partner or got promoted at work, while others think they will be happier once they have inherited some assets that they can cash in well.

They let time go by and allow the sense of unfulfillment dominate their lives. They spend most of their time socializing with people who think in similar ways, which supports their belief to be “right”, because they see that the others also believe that reality is “just the way it is”.

However,  the  main  reason  for this  approach  is  lack of  knowledge  about the  nature  of  desire.  Fulfillment  of  our  desires  is  not  something  our happiness  should  depend  upon.  Our  happiness  is  one  thing,  and  our desires are another. Desires are desires, and happiness is happiness, and we must not confuse one with the other.

People often take brief moments of pleasure, which bring with them the fulfillment   of   a   certain   desire,   and   confuse   them   with   happiness. However,  the  difference  between  the  two  is  enormous.  It  is  indeed  so great that comparing these terms is meaningless.

We are already in possession of “inside ourselves” an endless source of happiness,  and  we  do  not  need  a  reason  to  be  happy.  Being  happy is  a matter of consciousness, and not of fulfilling a certain desire.

When   you   become   conscious   that   the   endless   fountain   of   joy  and happiness  is  inside  you,  your  outlook  on  desires  and  happiness  changes completely.  Instead of being a person who struggles hard to fulfill their desires  in  order  to  feel  happier  in  life,  you  will  become  a  person  who travels  through  life  with  joy,  and  fulfilling  new  desires  is  just  a  new perspective which you are using to form new desires. Instead of fulfilling your  desires  being the  prerequisite  for the  quality of  your  life,  you  will begin to live without imposing any such conditions upon yourself. Instead of being a slave to desires, you will be playing with them and enjoying the game.

Desires are a wonderful thing, especially if they stem out of the depths of our hearts. The main role of desires is to enable us to express ourselves in the  world  that  we  live  in.  However,  if  we  accept  the  idea  that  it  is impossible for us to be happy unless we have fulfilled a certain desire, we are  putting  ourselves  in  a  hopeless  situation  because  it  is  impossible  to live without having desires.

Therefore,  keep  in  mind  that  there  is  a  difference  between  happiness, which  is  always  present  inside  you,  and  pleasure,  which  comes  as  a consequence of fulfilling a certain desire. Even though they look similar at first, the difference is indeed enormous.