Authentic Living by Tomislav Tomic - HTML preview

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Since the very first time I came across meditation,    I   realized   that    I   was dealing  with  something  special  and  extraordinary.  Although  I  did  not have the slightest idea as to what was happening while I meditated, I still practiced meditation regularly and I was experiencing wonderful things. I would  often  take  part  in  different  courses  and  workshops  dealing  with meditation, where I met many people who had a similar interest.

However, even after a short while I noticed one thing that was never quite clear to me.  Many people were attending the workshops in the hope that a  new  technique  they had  come to  learn  would  give them  better  results than   the   one   they   were   practicing   until   then.   They   felt   that   the responsibility  for  their  “progress  in  meditation”  lay  in  the  meditation technique itself.

In  time  I  began  to  realize  that,  even  though  we  had  seemingly  similar interests in attending various conferences, the real reasons for our coming there were quite different.

I would come and attend such conferences expecting to learn something new  that  would  help  me  on  my way of  meditation  and  that  would  help improve  my  entire  understanding  of  the  process  of  meditation.  The majority of other people, and I realized that from the conversation that we had together, were searching for a different method that would help them be more “successful in meditation” than with the method they had been using thus far.

If you feel like one of those people who are constantly searching for new methods  of  meditation  because  the  method  which  they  are  currently practicing is not providing them with satisfactory results, you can be sure that  in  99%  of  all  cases  the  lack  of  good  results  of  meditation  is  not  a result of the method you are using, but in your approach.

Yes, you understood well – the issue is your approach. I understand that each method is characteristic for their different emphases, but still I say that  the  main  reason  why  a  person  is  not  making  sufficient  progress  in meditation is their lack of commitment to meditation.

By  “lack  of  commitment”  I  do  not  mean  spending  several  hours  a  day meditating,   but   rather   the   very  approach   to   meditation.   If   you   are completely committed to something, that means that your attitude toward it says, “I will do this no matter what. Other options are of no interest to me, period.”

With an approach like that and twenty minutes of meditation a day, you will be getting far better results than if you spend several hours a day meditating without the same kind of approach.

Time in itself is pretty relative term, and even more so when you enter the realm of meditation which happens, in essence, when we get connected to the vibration level  in which time definitely has no existence.

Nobody  can  guarantee  that  you  will  have  more  intense  meditational experiences when meditating for ten minutes as opposed to spending two hours in meditation. The logic which  is applied in everyday life loses its adequacy when it comes to meditation.

Meditation reveals its secrets only to those who are truly committed to it. And trust me, this secret has nothing to do with the method you are using nor with how many minutes or hours you spend meditating.

So,  if  you  are  not  happy  with  the  current  results  of  your  meditation, instead of focusing on a new method that will help you get better results, you  should  rather  be  focusing  on  what  it  is  that  is  hindering  you  from becoming  fully  committed  to  meditation.  Question  yourself.  Let  those questions be present in your mind until you feel that the right answer is coming, and when you feel it coming, stop asking questions and be open to receive an answer.

When  you feel that  you  have received  an answer, apply it immediately. Do not delay it for even a moment.

Repeat the same procedure every time you feel that there is some sort of “brake” in your progress.

All that we wish to experience is in existence even now. If it were not, we would not be able to wish to experience it. The only reason why we still do not have the experience that we are striving for is our approach.

Change  your  approach  and  your  experience  will  change  as  well.  Of course, here it applies to approaching meditation, but it can be applied to other areas in life just as well.