Authentic Living by Tomislav Tomic - HTML preview

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Though     the     term     "ownership"     is something that most of us encounter on a daily  basis,  just  for  this  article  let's  try and define what it means to be an owner of something.

For  example,  if  you  own  your  car,  that basically means that you have the right to decide whether you will drive it or not, when and how long you want to drive it, whether you wish to rent it, sell it, lend it, offer it as gift, use it as a deposit, paint it in a different color, take it to the junk yard, etc. In other words, you have the right to use  it  in  any  way  you  like  without  the  need  to  ask  for  anybody's permission  for  it,  or  even  to  think  about  whether  you  need  somebody's permission or not.

Now that we've defined roughly what it means, let me ask you the following questions:

Do you feel like the owner of your life?

Do  you  feel  like  you  can  dispose  with  your  life  and  create  your  reality according  to  the  wishes  of  your  heart?  (without  the  need  to  ask  for anybody's  permission  for  it,  or  even  to  think  about  whether  you  need somebody's permission or not.)

If there is in your heart a deeply felt desire that you feel is a right one, but you  don't  feel  free  or  capable  of  accomplishing  your  goal  on  your  own without receiving a permission from the people you spend a lot of time with, then you definitely do not feel like the owner of your own life. Unfortunately,  many  people  have  given  up  living  their  dreams  just because they did not have the approval of the people they were in close relationships with. They allowed others to "destroy" the vision of the life they felt was a right vision.

One of the basic conditions for you to be able to properly exercise your ownership over things you own is YOUR OWN AWARENESS that the matter in question is indeed owned by you. Only when you become aware that the thing really belongs to you, will you be able to dispose of it as its owner.

Only  when  you  become  aware  that  the  thing  you  call  "my  reality"  is something that depends solely upon you and that you are the single person who moulds it, only then will you be able to call yourself the owner of your life.

But how do you develop this awareness of owning your life?

There are numerous ways to do it, but one of the most efficient ways in my opinion,  is  meditating on  a  regular  basis.  Meditation  can  be  a  great help in becoming aware of one's own Self, and the more aware we are of ourselves, it becomes clearer "who" we really are.

You are the owner of your life and the sooner you become aware of it, the sooner will you be able to start enjoying the benefits of ownership.