Be Yourself by Dean Henryson - HTML preview

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Appendix A.

(Answer the following questions after reading each part of the book: part I, II, and III. Answer the questions as you tape yourself by asking the question out loud then giving the answer.)


1-What were your expectations of this part of the book.

2-Talk about any insights, understandings, or ideas you gained.

3-What did you find difficult to read, think about, or understand?


-Is there something about it that reminds you of a part of yourself which you find difficult to accept?

-What is that?

4-According to the part of the book you just finished, how are you not being yourself?

-What gets in the way of you being yourself?

-If the last answer involved another person as being responsible, answer the question again so that you are responsible. If you cannot think of how you are responsible, think harder; your freedom depends on it.

-If the last answer depended on a circumstance you get placed in, what part do you play in placing yourself in that circumstance?

-What can you do to be yourself more?

5-According to yourself, how are you not being yourself?

  -What gets in the way of being yourself?

-If the last answer involved another person as being responsible, answer the question again so that you are responsible.

-What can you do to be yourself more?

6-What is the difference between your answers from questions 4 and 5.

-Explain the difference.

-What answers are more empowering to yourself?

-If your answers from question 5 were less empowering, why do you think you answered that way?

-Were you afraid of something? What?

7-According to the part of the book you just finished, how are you being yourself?

-What helps you or makes it possible to be yourself?

-How can you get more of that help?

8-According to yourself, how are you being yourself?

-What helps you or makes it possible to be yourself?

-How can you get more of that help?

9-What is the difference between the answers from questions 7 and 8?

-Explain the difference?

10-Any similarities between the answers in questions 4 and 7? How about questions 5 and 8?

-How are they similar?

11-Did you take offense of anything you read?

-What hurt or loss made you take offense? (Being offended is just another way of saying you are hurt and angry.)

-Can you relate it to anything similar that has hurt you in the past or is hurting you now?

-What do you think this relation means?

-Did you feel like it was a personal criticism?

-If yes, what investment would I gain by criticizing you—of whom I do not even know?

-Why? What else in your life do you take personally? Why?

-What hurt still lives within you which you have not mourned to make you so sensitive?

12-What did you really like in this part of the book?


-How was it special to you in particular?

-What does it have to do with being yourself, if anything?

13-While reading this part of the book, did you think of others whom you felt needed to hear some of the ideas or insights?

-What sections was this happening in?

-Now, place yourself in each of these sections so that you are learning something from it, not someone else. Do this by seeing how it applies specifically to yourself.

14-If this is your first time answering these questions (Appendix A), skip this question. Do you notice anything you did different while answering the questions this time that you did not do before?

-What was it, and why the difference?

Wait a day or two, then answer the following questions in Appendix B on a clean sheet of paper as you listen to your tape.