Be Yourself by Dean Henryson - HTML preview

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Appendix B

(Answer questions on a clean sheet of paper a day or two after answering questions from Appendix A. You do not have to make an essay out of your answers, just simple straightforward truth. Try answering the questions in order. Do not tape this section, just listen to the tape you made while you were reading the book and from Appendix A as you answer these questions.)

1-Are you answering the questions on the tape from the bottom of your heart of what you know is true?

-When you find yourself not:

-Answer them now (in writing) so that they are true.

-What was it you were trying to hide from?

-Have you tried to hide from this before?

-Explain what you get by hiding from this?


2-Do you have any body sensations, aches, or pains while listening to the tape?

-What are you talking about on the tape at the time you begin to feel them?

-Explain what you are feeling as if it is trying to come out through being a body sensation?

  -Why do you think it happened at this time?

  -Did something change in your attitude on the tape?

  -Is there something painful you are bringing out on tape?

  -See if you can find any pattern with respect to any of the above?


3-When did you feel really tired and lacking energy?

-Was there a pattern as to when this happened?

  -What subject was being addressed?

-Explain the reason for the tiredness as if there was a reason.

  -Was there something you did not want to face?


4-Note each time you laughed on the tape.

-Did you feel relief? Why?

-Was there something you had seen that may have helped you in some way?

-Did you feel anxious? Why?

-Were you reminded of some anger you have been holding in?

-Why do you think you laughed at that time?

-If you don’t think you need to have had a reason for laughing, answer the last question as if there was some reason.


5-When were you most afraid to say something?

-What does this say about yourself?

-If your fear could speak, what would it be telling you?


6-What did you not want to hear while listening to the tape, if anything?



7-Do you notice any patterns or similarities in your responses to the above questions in this appendix.

-Explain the reason for the pattern.


8-Do you notice any changes in your voice pattern, cracking, coughing, pausing, changes in pitch or intensity?

-At each of these times, did you feel anxious, uncomfortable, or have difficulty thinking?


-What were you feeling at that moment?

-If you were to place some meaning in the feeling, what would it be?

-Look back at the last answer, ask yourself if it feels uncomfortable to you?

  -If so, why?

-Read the last answer again; does it feel like the truth? (It is okay if you were not truthful and you would like to change it. Sometimes our defenses make it hard to be ourselves.)

-Add more truth to it.


9-What feelings most commonly come up for you on the tape?


-Where are they coming from?


10-Look over your daily journal and think about your daily life. Is this congruent with the feelings you most commonly had in the tape?

-Explain the difference or similarity.


11-Did you have any thoughts that were common or had a similar pattern (perhaps all negative, positive, denying, blaming, making excuses, etcetera)?

-If this pattern could speak, what would it tell you about yourself.

12-What do you notice you are most sensitive to?



-Who is this person on the tape?

-Is this person really you? Explain.

-If not, why? What needs to happen for it to be you?

-What needs does this person have? (Besides the obvious, food, water, shelter.)

-What are this person’s strengths and weaknesses, and when is he most likely to show them?


14-Do you find yourself going into complex intellectual discussions?


-What did it feel like as you were answering the questions with such complexity?

-If you cannot identify a feeling, why weren't you feeling anything? Are you hiding from a feeling? What?


15-Do you find yourself thinking that you are better than you are or what was said in the book?

-If so, why do you feel that way?

-Is it hard to admit that you can feel worthless?


16-In regards to any strong or nonexistent opinions you taped while reading:

-What does the intensity of your opinion tell you about yourself?

-Imagine a hurt that has created the strong opinion:

  -What is it?

-Where is it coming from if you could pick a place in time and a person?

-If no opinion on the topic, why?

  -Do you have opinions on anything?

-Imagine a suppression that has caused the non-existent opinion:

-What hurt are you denying? (Clue: it is probably related in some way to the topic you have no opinion about.)


17-Look at all the above:

-Do you notice any patterns, trends, or consistencies?

-What do you learn from them?


18-Any new insights, understandings, or ideas you have gained?

-What are they?

-Will they help you to be yourself more?



19-Whom have you suggested read this book or a part of it?


-Is there something you want them to learn?

  -What is that?

  -Is that also something you need to learn?

-Are you diluting your learning of it by giving responsibility of learning it to another person?

-If so, what is making it hard for you to learn it?

-If they are not at the point where they can learn it, what do you need to learn to feel okay about them staying the same.

-What has stopped you from learning this before?


20-Is your perception of yourself different now that you have listened to the tape and answered these question?

-How so?

-What stopped you from seeing this before?

-Is some belief of yours different now?

-Why? What happened to change it?


21-Do you feel different?

-How so?

-What do you attribute this to?