Before Forty by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Investing In A Landed Property Is Just Perfect

It’s not uncommon to see old people who are still tenants in some persons’ house. Many of them had the desire to own their own homes, but it’s not just desire that gets one a house, you have to deliberately want to get your own house and you have to work towards it.

As a tenant, you’ve had your landlord come knocking on your door for his rents. Or the solicitors have sent you calls which you avoided. How about the fear of been given a quit notice because you had some challenges at your work place? No one enjoys any of these scenarios, but this does not however stop them from happening. The only escape route is to own your home.

At forty, you should be your landlord! This eases you the burden of living in uncertainty as you grow older. Think about all the money you’ve spent renting homes. If you count the cost, you may realize that you’ve obviously doled out a fortune to your landlords. The total cost could easily have built a house of your own.

The world is an uncertainty place and the uncertainties grow as you grow older. You want to be able to ease yourself of some the uncertainties as you grow older. One of such major uncertainties is not owning your home.

Building a house is huge task and it requires lots of resources, but the burden is bigger, the bigger the size of the house you want to build. It’s good to dream of owning a big house, but some persons keep envisaging big houses when they have little resource which can get for them a little house. They keep waiting for the right amount of money to push the huge projects in their minds so that they end up not building at all.

Some persons think that the money to build a house will just arrive from the blues. They believe that until they have the huge resources to build and finish their house, they shouldn’t build at al.

Wise people plan with their little resources. They don’t wait till they have so much. They start with what they have. When they have little, they put in little, when they have much, they put in much.

Have you ever wondered why people work for several years and retire without a house of their own? They failed to apply the common sense principle. They were waiting for a major break when they could easily have put in a certain percentage of their salaries all their working years into a building project.

We often tend to assume that the future would be easier. But that’s wrong thinking. The future as you grow older will arrive with new challenges. Even if you get bigger jobs and salaries, there will be bigger challenges to need your higher salary. If you are waiting for a time when things will be easier for you to undertake that building project, you may be waiting forever.

Today, you don’t have as much challenges as you will be having in the future. You can start a low cost building project. Even if you have faith for a big mansion tomorrow, get a little house today that you can call your own from the little you are earning today. You can build that big house later when resources have arrived for it.

You may think forty is not feasible for you to own a home. The question I’d ask you is, why not? Instead of spending your extra income on bottles of alcohol, costly wines, and sexual partners, that money will find use building a house of your own.

The landlord of a house I once rented understood this principle. As the last of ten children, none of his family members thought he would own his own house. But he had built his house before any of his siblings would think about theirs and he wasn’t yet forty. And he was only an artisan.

This man would set aside money from his daily work every day. When the amount reached a bag of cement, he bought it and kept it safe. He did like this for all the building materials. When he had gathered sufficient amount of materials and resources to build, he called workers to build along with him. He was also part of the labour.

It took him more than five years to build his house but he did build it, lived in a part of the house and rented the rest. He was smart!

If you are finding it difficult to keep money aside for a building project, you can one of these property companies around town that allow you pay agreed sums monthly, over a given number of years to enable you own your home. You can jump on them especially if you are uncomfortable with going through the brouhaha of a building a house. If you have the money to outrightly buy one, that’s fine too.

One of the reason people give for not owning their homes is the cost and sometimes how to go about it. Here’s why property companies come in. you’d certainly find a company that can give you a good bargain and help you do the dirty work while you pay them for their service.

Just imagine that your house rent expired in the heat of the last coronavirus pandemic and you had lost your job as a result of the company you worked for laying off workers. This might not have happened to you but it did to several persons around you.

Paying the rents of a house yearly adds to the financial burden of many families. As you grow, your family will grow and so also is the size of the house you will be living in. at some point in your life, you will need a bigger apartment and if you’ve not owned your house already, you will have to rent one. A three bedroom apartment can cost as much as three hundred to seven hundred thousand naira in annual cost. Imagine paying this much in a year. It's only common sense that you own your apartment.

A father figure told me how much he pays for his apartment. I was amazed. And he was sixty three at the time. He paid four hundred and fifty thousand naira yearly and the rent was already due. Yes, the property might be prime but he was losing sleep over how to pay the rent. It didn’t make sense to me that someone of his caliber would still be paying that much in some person’s house.

You don’t want to make this mistake. Here’s a good advice. A higher paying job does not mean renting a bigger house; it means building or buying your own home. Don’t go about wanting to move into a bigger home that is not yours.

We find ourselves in a society where people want to show off how much success they have they have enjoyed or what recent shifts they’ve had. They burden themselves with renting a new home in a posh environment, buying a new car or other accessories when the old ones are still perfectly serving the purpose they are meant to serve.

If you live in a one bedroom apartment and you get a salary increase or a boom in your business, thank God. You’ve just gotten some money to leverage one to build your three bedroom apartment.

Why should you want to rent an apartment in a so called cozy environment when you can build your own house to meet your specifications at any choice site?

You may ask, who will rent the houses others have built? Finding this answer shouldn’t be your problem. By the way those persons who are building don’t have two heads. And they are trying to leverage on those who are foolish! Yes!

Now that you are under forty with fewer responsibilities is the perfect time to arrange for the quality of life you want to live when you are past forty.

Why should you accept someone’s plan to enrich his bank account when you can do better? That landlord had you in mind as a business when he built his house. No matter how good a landlord is, he is only interested in the rents you are giving. He is good so that a good tenant like you can keep paying him. Any landlord who is good to his tenant is a detriment to his tenant. You need a forceful landlord who will make living in someone else’s house difficult so that you can build yours.

I don’t want you moving your belongings from one place to another in your fifties and sixties. This is why I am sharing with you this bit. Owing a house isn’t as costly as you’ve been made to believe. This is true only if you will go for what you can afford. With that money that you earn, you can find a property that you can save towards and pay over a period of time.

One asset your children will be glad you left behind is you’re your home. Imagine that you died in your fifties (Yes no one wants to die then, but people die) and you have kids and teenagers left behind in a house which you were paying hundreds of thousands of naira yearly. That’s a big burden for those left behind. You will be making life easier for you family when you are gone when you have built your own house.

Who says you cannot also be a landlord, to rent out your house too to tenants? Owning a house is a sure investment that never loses value. So if you are afraid of investing in a house, you have no reasons to fear.

You need the guarantee of a roof over your head as you enter the best years of your life. This will only be possible because you invested in a roof early in your life.

Please don’t get to forty and not have a house of your own or at least a piece of land that you are making feverish plans to build on. God will bless your labour!