Before Forty by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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We grew up with the thought that one had to be a professor or be renowned to write a book. This thought is fast changing and the reality today is that everyone should at least write a book in his or her lifetime.

You should at least have published one book before you get to forty. If you aren’t thinking of one, you probably are running late. You may think this is off the road, it’s not really necessary to write a book and I don’t even have the means. Well, you have the means and it’s necessary. I consider it an achievement in its own right.

In every one is the desire to live imprints for life that will never be forgotten. We want to be remembered forever or at least for as long as possible. Yes, you want it. The problem is, you don’t know how. The how is why you read this book and the secret of been remembered forever is to step into books.

Ok! You are perhaps asking how and why? You can as well ask Jesus, Moses, Paul, Timothy, David, Elijah, Benson Idahosa, Kenneth Hagin, Mohammed, Mohatma Ghandi and the like. Why do we know so much about them today when they’ve been long dead? It’s because they found their way into books. They wrote about themselves or some persons wrote about them.

As long as books keep talking about them, they will remain ever fresh through life. And books live forever, you can check the Bible, the Koran, and several other books.

Any knowledge that enters into a book, including your ideas, thoughts, initiatives, visions and dreams will remain alive when you are dead.

Publishing a book however is no easy task. You first have to write your thoughts down. And then go through all the processes of converting your written words to a book format. It will take some work and some financing, buts it’s got big benefits and profits too.

Books open doors! It could be a source of extra income and an opportunity to get to connect with people as well as influence people. You may never go to the places your book will get to. Imagine all the villages and cities across the world that your book can get to while you are right in your home city. That’s the power of books.

Before you turn forty is the best time to get that book idea out. This is the period in your lifetime when you have a head start. You don’t want all those feverish ideas and thoughts disappearing. You may think that you don’t have time now to write, but you won’t have a better time later in your life.

Leaving your book idea till much later in your life means you are willing to lose some of your fantastic ideas you had during your teen, twenties and thirties when you were trying to build.

Those bestselling authors you read today started before forty. They had developed the discipline that characterizes writing before they had their bestselling break. What you have as your advantage is the energy, zest, and creativity to get your writs out.

Your thoughts are important, perhaps too important for life! See! Everyone came with some kind of seed. We all came in as farmers. That seed you carry is valuable; you must find a way to plant it.

You are an original! This originality plays a role for life, helping to create a balance. Your original thoughts and ideas help give a new view about life that others may not see or think about. You don’t have to keep all that to yourself.

Some persons have fantastic book ideas that they should have gotten out. Some persons have had experiences that could inspire others but no one will know about such beautiful ideas or experiences because they aren’t getting it out.

Writing a book gives you the freedom to express yourself in ways that you may not be privileged to with any other medium. It enables you pour out your heart.

Books are people’s spirits. You probably aren’t aware. I read quite a lot of books and I’ve had metaphysical experiences from some of the books I have read. Even God had to transfer His spirit into the Bible to stay alive through life.

Those who are involved in Satanism and occultism still get their practice from books. All those magical powers were saved in books. That’s how powerful a book is.

Your book carries your spirit. As long as your book sits on the shelves of people’s homes and libraries, our spirit is hanging right there with them; your influence, knowledge and inspiration.

Those who don’t write before they turn forty hardly do. They won’t even have the time to think about it except of course they find themselves in a position where it becomes necessary. Many of those persons who do write actually did not do the writing by themselves. They give it out to ghost writers, but a work written by a ghost writer carries the spirit of the writer.

Those who write before they turn forty often find joy and more drive writing. One book drives you to write another, then another. You start a process of self-emptying which really should be every ones goal.

We are supposed to have emptied ourselves into life before we leave. But most people don’t. If you get to the cemetery around town, you will find people whose stories have not been read, but who were gifted, talented and full with potentials.

You don’t have to be among the statistics of those who die full with all the things they got right inside them. The process of emptying begins from writing a book. We will forget what you said or how you lived but when we’ve got a book around us, we have no reasons to fear about your impact. We will still be feverishly enjoying you in your absence.

Some persons may complain that they lack a good command of the English language to be able to communicate their thoughts correctly. Some authors and publishers have made writing like “you have to be a professor of English grammar to write”. But no! What your book needs isn’t your grammar but your ideas and thoughts. You can write in the language you understand most and perhaps get an interpreter to get it out in your intended language.

Your normal everyday use of the English language is enough to get your thoughts out. If it isn’t good enough for publishing, you can get the services of editors to edit it while it still carries the thoughts you are trying to portray.

Many of those books you read and love were not written by fantastic language users. Some even were worse than you. But they used it anyway. I’ve been opportune to come across several scripts of authors over the years. What I look out for is the ideas.

Your grammar is not an excuse. Or when do you think your grammar will become better? Except you are busy working at developing your grammar, then you can keep waiting. But if you don’t develop grammar before you turn forty, you really won’t develop grammar.

By the way, writing helps you shape your grammar. The more you write, the more likely you are going to become more aware what words to use, when and where. You certainly need the services of editors no matter how beautiful you write, so calm those nerves.

Writing is an investment you are making into the lives of people you hardly know. It’s a great privilege for you to be one of those whose knowledge can be a valuable tool for others to discover themselves. Your book is your door to influence people.

As an author, I’ve been privileged to have my books read in every continent around the world. I’ve had people send me messages from everywhere telling me how much my book has been a blessing to them. It’s always great to read from my numerous readers and I am glad that you are reading this book too.

Everyone has a story. Others can only write something similar to what you have written. For example, twenty authors writing about “Before You Turn Forty” wont share the same thoughts or opinion.

Your challenges, experiences, and success through life can be the reason some other person will succeed. But to make them useful, you have to package them in a book.

Before you become forty, you’ve learnt so much from the hippy, happy and hoppy situations that life has given you. You don’t want your experiences to be one of those great stories that we won’t hear about. Your story is valuable, get it out!

If you find yourself in the academic world and your goal is to become a professor, you have inadvertently chosen a writing life. But you don’t have to wait till you hold a Ph.D. before you add to the body of knowledge. Start writing right away!

At forty with your own book, you will catch the fire to leave all that you should leave for life. Generations after you will be grateful you invested your time and resources and released all your thoughts for the world.

By all means, please do well to get that book out before you get to forty. It will count for life.