Before Forty by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Have You Read The Compass Of Your Life?

There are books and there is a book. Truly, in my many years on earth, I have not come across a book yet as inspiring and as knowledge full as the Bible. The Bible contains revelations; it is well articulated and offers divine guidance through life. Despite this great quality of the Bible, most people don’t get to read it through their life time. Those who manage to read only excerpts.

Only a minority few make deliberate attempts to completely read the Bible from cover to cover. And often these persons realize they need to read this scripture when they are past forty.

You may wonder where I got my statistics from. But you can start from yourself. You grew up as a Christian, went to church every Sunday and sometimes week days. You perhaps had morning devotions every day but sadly there are books in the Bible you have never read, and you may even doubt that they exist.

Think about the others who are like you everywhere, your friends, colleagues. Do you think they open the Bible at all outside church? Now you can see why my statistics is somewhat true.

The reason most person don’t get far in life is because they failed to realize that the Bible they often keep under their pillow or on their table is meant to be their compass for life. Imagine been in an open sea on a boat that has no compass.

You’d be lost very soon. Here’s why most persons are lost!

The Bible contains substance, with capacity to propel any intentional reader into limelight.

Check this out! The Bible consists of an eternal spirit. Books carry spirits. For the Bible, God has transmitted His spirit through the words written in them. This is why the Bible has survived over six thousand years since its first author wrote the first book.

This book has suffered several attacks. Many kings tried to do away with the book, it was banned, it was burnt, and publishers were killed. Despite all the attacks the Bible suffered, it survived.

The same eternal spirit can enter into you to empower you to survive every odd in your life. You are certainly facing numerous odds.

Before you get to forty, you want those odds to be history. True, the best time to get through your challenges is when you are young, but it is also the best time to find a solution to your challenges. No matter the odds you face, there is a word, or a story in the Bible that is similar to it. People survived in the Bible, you will.

Reading the Bible guarantees that you will still be alive when you have left life. Most people won’t catch this dimension. We still read about Jesus, Paul, Elisha, Elijah, Moses and other men whose stories are told in the Bible. Parents delight in naming their children these names from the Bible. How about your name and your story been heralded long after you have left this side of life? This is what the Bible guarantees you.

I’ve stated already that most persons discover the use of the Bible only when they are aging and are considering eternal life in heaven or when they are afraid to die. They hang on to the Bible, put it under their pillows or read particular psalms for protection.

While the Bible has the capacity to protect you, it’s not just meant to protect you from danger, but it is meant to inspire you into becoming the best you should be for life. You have to appreciate its use early in your life too.

I realized a few years ago when I began to frequent hospitals that almost every patient had a Bible around their bed. The question I asked myself was, had they been reading this scripture before they fell sick? Really if they did, they wouldn’t have fallen sick.

The Bible heals. You want to enjoy quality health at your young and most active years. The more you do study, the more you discover the potent power to keep you healthy. You may never have reasons to get to the hospital any one day.

The Bible isn’t just another black or brown book on the shelf that you remember to pick only on Sundays. It’s meant to be an everyday weapon to conquer demonic warriors that arrive on your path. Guess what? If you know how to use this weapon early in your life, it’s great for a jolly good ride through life.

A story is told of a father who tried hard to make his son see the need to discover God for himself. This father took his son to a car stand and asked him to make a choice of any car he would desire when he graduated for university with top honors. This son worked really hard and came top in class so that he could get the car from his father. In keeping to his words, his father gave him Bible and said, “You will find your car in that book”

Angry at his father giving him a Bible instead of the car key, this young man threw the Bible on the bed of his room and left home and he never returned until his father died.

After his father’s burial, while considering what he would do with his father’s estate, this son returned home and went straight to his room. His room was the same way he had left it several years earlier and the Bible sat at the same place he had thrown it. He picked the Bible and his car key fell off from the Bible with a tag “your car is at the garage”.

The young man wept bitterly. He wasn’t patient enough to wait, and he had lost a relationship with his dad because he never cared to listen.

Today, that young man is preaching the gospel. He carries his Bible everywhere. Today, he wishes he had read the Bible just that once when his dad was still alive.

The Bible contains much more than a car key. It contains houses, cars, destinies, influences, children and every good thing that you will ever need but you have to read it to get what is right inside it.

Young people think the Bible is meant for old folks so they delay reading this book till they become old and have developed eye issues before they realize they really should have the Bible as a companion they should read every day. You won’t appreciate the results reading the Bible gives at old age as much as you would when you are younger.

When you are discouraged, you need to read the Bible, when you are tired, you need the Bible. When you are sad, you need the Bible. When you are joyful, you still need the Bible. The Bible is for good times and bad times.

You make the most from studying the Bible when you are intentional about it. The stories in the Bible may seem impossible to believe, too wonderful to be true, or too mysterious to even have happened. But they happened. Believe them and expect too to add to the astounding testimonies that the Bible shares.

Like every investment, the more input made, the more the output that arrives. The more time you spend studying the scriptures, the more output you get from that venture.

The Bible is a complete book that produces the complete man when read. From any direction you’d want to look at the Bible, it has something to tell you. God's word is complete and those who were inspire to write the Bible got the complete dose of knowledge from God.

Whether you need knowledge for business, agriculture, banking, education, relationships, ministry, science, history, geography, or medicine, the complete Bible contains everything that will ever be needed through life.

Before you read any book in any day, you should have read the Bible. Books can influence you but you need the serenading influence of God’s word in the Bible to influence how you read other books. It’s important that you know what’s right so that you can adequately judge the things that you read subsequently.

The Bible guarantees you a lifelong influence. Here’s why those who study the Bible more become springs for life. Those pastors and ministers you run to every Sunday could only have gotten that knowledge that you are awed with from the Bible. They have influenced you by what they have read; you have to influence others by what you are reading.

Before you turn forty, you will be on a better ground having God word shine through you to others. Everything you do will carry the aura of God because you are reading the book that carries God’s aura.