Before Forty by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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How About If You Read Forty Times Forty Books?

Books are powerful storehouses. They contain knowledge, mysteries and even power. Here’s why you could tell the difference between one who is well read and one who isn’t.

Throughout history, man has developed quality ideas and thoughts, many of which have been forgotten because they didn’t find their way into books. We know what was, what is and what will be because we are searching out books.

Sadly, most persons do not read more than forty books in their lifetime, a major reason why their lives turned out the way it has. Information is power but you can’t get that power when you don’t read the books where this information is stored.

The quality of your mind is the quality of what you read. Your mind is fed by your eyes, the more quality you read, the more informed your mind is and the better the quality your life will turn out.

It is possible to tell the quality of your life in your later years by the quality of books you are reading today and the number of books you are reading.

It’s often said that if you want to hide information, put it in a book. But for those who read, if you are looking for any information, find a book that contains it.

Books are people’s investment for you and for every generation. Those authors took their time to write down their experiences and ideas believing that you will someday read them. Sadly, they can’t force their investments on you except you are willing to welcome their books into your life.

Books are people’s spirit. If you want what some person has to jump into you, gulp everything they have written. Writers are great at inputting all their mind resources into books which enable them keep living through life and after life.

At forty, you should have read more than a thousand six hundred books with intentionality. You may think that’s too much, I can’t. But is it? No! Your twenties and thirties are the perfect years to invest in your mind to acquire as much knowledge as is possible. You have to feed your mind and fortify it against the numerous darts that life throws.

Having adequate knowledge empowers you with extra mind energy in those later years when your physical energy begins to give way.

You are what you read! The quality of your life beyond forty will turn out what your mind had been fed with in your twenties and forties. As a matter of fact, what you don’t start early to culture, don’t expect results early.

Especially for you who are desirous of leadership position, what you read determines those you will lead and how you will lead. You want to take the lead in your work place, family, relationships etc. the secret is basically to study.

The reason our so called leaders seem empty and unable to direct the path of the nation is certainly obvious. They don’t read. You can hear their emptiness in their misguided utterances every now and then.

The state of our mind determines what we get from life. The quality of the mind of the people will define what quality of development happens around them. What equips the mind to empower that development that is so needed are knowledge and this knowledge you can obtain by reading books.

Reading these number of books before you are forty, chance is you will never stop reading for the rest of your life. This means a consistent increasing growth pattern.

One secret to staying alive for longer is developing a reading culture. You exercise your mind by reading. The younger the mind stays, the more likely you are going to live long through life.

What results are you expecting? Check out the lifestyle of your older parents and relatives. What they have achieved is proportional to what they know. If your parents run a business, it is because they knew about business. If your parents were civil servants, that’s how they’ve learnt to wire their minds.

Those who build one house and those who build ten houses have their minds wired to build. You will meet two persons who earn the same amount of money every year but whose quality of life is different. The reason is not farfetched, what they know.

What do you know? You should know as much as should give you the leap through your life before you turn forty. You should have a clear picture of what you expect from life, how you expect to live your life and what heights you expect to reach. Developing these picture isn’t easy.

Majority of persons don’t read. Check around your community. You will hardly find those who walk with a book. Perhaps, only one in a thousand persons can be found in the average who thinks that reading books is great. Most persons believe that it is about the hustle and money. Yeah, you need to hustle and make money but beyond money, you want to be able to influence life positively. Reading books is key to developing that aura of influence.

What do you read? Most persons only focus their reading on particular areas that they think is presently relevant. But it is important that you become all rounded when you are seeking for knowledge.

Reading books from diverse fields of life can help you create a better perspective about life and give you the leverage on information that you need going forward through life. What this means is that though you cannot be jack of all trades, you should be jack who knows a bit of all trades.

Admittingly, there's hardly no form of knowledge that is new. There is hardly any knowledge on any issue that has not been made available in books. What you have to do as your responsibility is to go look for that book that contains the body of knowledge you desire.

Sure, there are new books been written every day that may give you a different perspective or clearer perspective to what has been written already, but no body of work is essentially new. Nothing in life is really new!

You’ve perhaps heard that knowledge is power. That statement isn’t completely correct. Applied knowledge is power! For any body of knowledge to influence how you lead your life, it must be practice based. You should look for books that tell you how and show you the steps to take to becoming the reality of what you want.

That you should read one thousand six hundred books before you turn forty does not mean you should read one thousand six hundred novels or story books.

Investing in enlightening books today will save you great cost tomorrow. Imagine stepping into the future, half-baked and unlearned, without knowing what you should have known. Many people are suffering from their failure to invest in their brains when they should have.

As much as you read several books, you must be sensitive to judge which knowledge you should carry with you and which one you should drop. Some knowledge is not meant to be applied. They could just be warnings!

Those who delight in books will sometimes come across books that contain dark knowledge. Such books could have a detrimental effect in how your life turns. It is only common sense that you drop any book that will negatively influence you.

You don’t have to experience all the challenges of life to learn from them. All you need is some person’s own experiences from which you can guide your steps. If you are going through a challenge, what you should do is get a book in the direction of that challenge. Everything you need to know has been written and will be written in a book. It’s just a matter of a diligent search.

The books you read will dictate the pace you will run. Books carry substantial amount of energy to drive you towards maximizing your potentials. We do not often use as much energy as we can and we need as much energy as we can early in our lives to dot the i(s) and cross the t(s). What everyone needs in life is the inspiration and motivation to be the best they can be for life. All that inspiration and motivation can be gotten from the right book!

You will have no reason to fail when there are a plethora of books resources everywhere for you to jump on. No challenge is new; you are going through that challenge because you have not read a book! You are only one correct book to success and opportunities.

So yes! Before you turn forty, read as much as you should read. Read and by all means read. You should live a reading life through life. That’s one of the keys to a life of fullness.