Before Forty by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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What’s Your Political Party?

Democracy is taking over the political landscape of the world. What this means is that those who dream of leading their country must tow the path of politics. Have you ever dreamt that you’d one day be appointed into a political office or voted in? You are not one of a kind. We all dream of an opportunity to serve our country in whatever capacity opportunity offers.

Sadly, dreams are not horses that you’d just jump on and ride. It takes been deliberate to accomplish any major achievement through life.

Are you expecting a political position when you don’t even have a voter’s card? Well, your voter’s card gives you the power to determine who leads you. Fact is, only when you know some person who has been elected into office will you have the chance for an appointment. You have to put in someone with your vote.

In sub-Saharan Africa, the percentage of voters for any election is relatively low when compared to the population that has reached voting age. The reason isn’t farfetched; people do not recognize their power in the voters’ card.

The first power to define your destiny politically is your voters’ card. Do you have one? You can’t get to forty and not have your voters’ card in your hands. If you must shift the balance of power in your favour, it is your weapon.

Some persons only get the voters card because it can be used as a national identity and not necessarily because they think that it is a necessary tool for their freedom. This is why when it is time to vote, they stay indoors claiming that the politician who would win had been defined by the election umpire.

It’s worrisome that people will grow to age forty and never be able to use their power to ensure their country, state or city gets the right leadership. And they’d keep thinking that there is nothing they can do to change the negative situation around them.

But this book is written to correct this mental disillusion caused by the elite political class who want to remain in power for as long as they can.

If you don’t have a voter’s card, you perhaps sold out your capacity to influence change. To consider yourself smart, you should be in the fore front of fighting for credible leadership by ensuring your vote counts.

As a matter of fact, a good chunk of voters are within the twenty to forty age brackets. They have the power to decide who gets what and how by their votes.

Some persons curse leadership when things go bad. But you don’t have to curse or swear. All you just have to do is vote them out when time arrives to vote.

How about if you decide you can change the narrative in government? And you don’t have a voter’s card to at least guarantee yourself your own vote first. That can be ridiculous. You can’t want to run for political office and not have your own card.

Now, the real deal. You can’t expect to be president of your country without having a political party membership card. Democratic political leadership is on the platform of political parties. You can’t just rise from anywhere and be offered political appointment.

Political parties produce their candidates to contest against other candidates from opposing political parties. Your opportunity for that political position will depend on if your political party gives you its platform to represent them. If you are scared of the political terrain but you are thinking of leading your country, state, or city, you can check your ambitions again.

When is the right time to join a political party? Right away! Now that you are in your twenties and thirties, it is important you begin to develop your voice politically by identifying with grassroots politics at the home front. The first port of call is to get a party’s membership card.

In life, we grow through everything we do. It’s same with politics. If you show the right character and willingness, the chance to grow is always available. Start from your home front and work and walk your way to your desirable political position.

If you want people to vote you into political office, you should also show yourself a good party person. Your political ambition is not just about you. It is also about the party that is backing you.

It is worrisome that people get scared of politics but get angry at their political leaders who have dared. We complain about what the political leaders are doing wrong, wish we could get the chance to do better but we don’t engage any political party.

If you think that you have so much to offer your country, state or city, politically, it’s only commonsense to join a political party today that will give you the platform to contest.

It’s not automatic that you’d join a political party and get the position you want given to you. There certainly will be others who have the same ambitions like you do who may be considered more qualified for the opportunity. Take it in good fate and seek for other opportunities to serve at the party level.

Some persons get angry when they don’t get the political position they expected in a particular political party. They move elsewhere to another party where they have to start from the back. Many people have lost their political voice moving back and forth. Realize that if you lose today, you won’t lose tomorrow. Stay put!

Now that you are young, you have time on your side to grow through the ranks. The problem we’ve always had in leadership across Africa is that sound heads and minds are busy pushing to be career CEOS and managing directors of companies and they complain that their voice isn’t been heard. If you want your voice to be heard, you must be part of the people that position the people in power in the first place.

You can run your business and still push your political career. It’s the smart thing to do especially if you know you have a political career to pursue.

You don’t have to wait till you are close to retirement before you actively become involved in the political sphere of your community. Start now to connect with people that will matter for you.

Now, you can keep showing your face even if you fail. You will be creating an identity that’s going to speak for you when your own opportunity arrives. You won’t fail forever.

See! Even political appointments are offered along party lines. While you are praying to have a political appointment in this government or the next, it’s only smart to join the political party where candidates have a high chance of getting into government.

The president will appoint only those who are n his political party into his cabinet. Those he chooses will also pick those they know who are in their party to work with them. If you think you have a future in politics, join a political party today.

Yes, you are looking for the state governorship position, but you should at least start somewhere. You can start as a counselor today and then grow through the ranks. By the time you are in your late forties and early fifties, you would have gathered sufficient experience to pursue your governorship aspiration.

Politics is a game. Like every game, the more you play, the better you become. You can’t play politics from outside. You’d be a perpetual loser.

Politics isn’t about luck. It is about taking deliberate steps to do what has to be done right.

The political sphere in any country is dependent on two things- your voters’ car and your party membership card. As a citizen of your country, you have the right to vote and be voted for.

If you keep running from politics and everyone runs away, who is going to take the lead? There are people who are called to lead who are still hanging far away from leadership opportunity because they think politics is purely a dirty game. People may play dirty but you can play it differently and still get your chance.

To lead shouldn’t be a do or die affair. But somewhere along the line, one has to develop the right knowledge for his opportunity. Your opportunity to lead will certainly arrive where you are hanging around leaders.

The smart deal is what many young people are doing today. We may think they are just personal assistants to personal assistants, but they are actually working their way up through the political route.

Before you turn forty, you should have decided what direction your future will be headed in the next few years and start at taking deliberate steps to see that future. If you think your destiny is at political leadership and governance, you ought to be right on it plotting and working hard for your opportunity to arrive.

Don’t just have a mental picture of what you want to become. Leadership, though a function of ones state of mind is a physical phenomenon. You lead others and they follow you.

Take the right steps. Your passport to fulfilling your political dream is as simple as getting a party membership card. Start from there.

Shape up for political leadership, after all, those who are leading us today were once young people. You should expect to step into their shoes. It is possible.