Before Forty by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Love The Media!

There is a part of every person that wants to be the attention. No one wants to enter a room filled with people and go unnoticed.

True, there is something in us called ego that naturally desires to be fanned. Fame does a good job here.

Sincerely, we are happy when we are celebrated. When we are told that our efforts have been noticed and that we are doing a lot, it encourages us to want to do more.

But fame is hardwork. Those people who have become famous for any reason whatsoever had it on the platform of putting so much effort on the media. True, fame flies on the wings of people and reaching people is vital to making the most of your gifts and talents.

You want people to know you for what you do. Many persons are still at the backend of life not because they aren’t talented enough. No! They even have more talents than those who are already hitting it big. The difference however is that they are literally unknown.

It’s not enough to sing, write, dance, talk, read or preach outstandingly. You have to be seen at the gates where people get talking about what you do. Here’s why the media is important. It adds volume to one’s capacity by ensuring more people get to hear or see what you do.

Several of the stars you celebrate, you’ve certainly never met them, except of course on television screen or you’ve had to listen to them on radio. It can amaze you to know that many of the superstars today were literally unknown a few years ago and they were worse than you were. But their talent got noticed by the right audience and the media celebrated them.

I still remember a few years ago when a bread seller took the media by storm after she was discovered by a famous photographer as having the characteristics of a great model. She was later signed to a modeling company and got her life lifted.

The media is a powerful tool. How powerful it is can be seen in how much effect it has on society, in driving key decisions in government and tilting the people’s voice towards a particular direction.

Those who know the power of the media will not underrate it. Rather they’d want to use it to their advantage.

You have a great voice and everyone in your community know you are a great act, well you are but no one knows beyond your community. The result is that you are still considered a local champion.

You can write and people are wowed by how well you tell your story. Well, you need that extra push to a bigger audience. That way, you’d be able to test your capacity.

If you are great at dancing and everyone around tells you that you are the best thing about dancing, you’d better check again to be sure if the media isn’t on your side.

People accept to be local champions; they hail themselves for their little achievement without knowing that there are more challenges out there.

Break the local champion jinx, there’s far more for you to break into. This more is dependent on whether you will seize the media.

If you have any hopes of been famous before you get to forty, you must find your way to the media. Here’s why. He media is a youth conscious territory. It can be said that more than eighty percent of content in the media is targeted towards young people and are undertaken by youthful people except the traditional media houses that are more conscious of creating jobs than satisfying viewership.

Most persons you watch on the media are in their twenties and thirties. Or if they are more, they have started at what they were doing way longer. Most superstars we celebrate today didn’t start their journey to fame today. They started a few years back when they were still young.

Young people are creative, but this creativity winds down as they age. You are more likely to get your best vibes now while you harp on the power of the media to hype your potentials than when you grow older.

At forty, you should be experienced to a certain degree to be able to pass down your knowledge to those arriving through the ranks. And most persons have had to retire their talents from age forty. They shifted into more mature genre that their talents offered.

You can sing? It shouldn’t just be about singing in church to the applause of church members. If it’s only in the church we get to hear your voice, you have underachieved. How about waxing a musical CD and getting to the media houses around your city to have them have a feel of that voice that urns heads around in church? The faster you think about this, the better.

Every gift you’ve got finds legitimate expression when you are younger. Been twenty something or thirty something is perfect time to express them with the media on your back.

Instead of joining the crowd of those who complain about what the media gives or been jealous of some other persons success on the media, it’s great that you impact the media with what you have.

Check around your city. There are several persons who are harping on the power of the media. One woman evangelist in my city started her ministry organizing prayers on radio. Today, she’s not just on radio or television, she had to start a prayer ground for those who wanted to meet her physically and people run down there in droves.

You want to know the secret of a thriving business? Its media! Businesses are realizing that more people are watch, listening or reading on the media these days.

I’ve stated already that fame is hard work. You have to put in effort. Here’s why it’s best when you are younger, and you have all the time to invest.

Don’t expect to be celebrated and not take the bull by the horn to get on the media, whether its television, radio or social media. It may cost you a bit more early on doing all the things you have to do. But you have to take the cost in its strides and get to do what you have to do.

Its great starting early to push that your talent. If you fail today, you still have some time to make amends. There’s no guarantee that you will make it big your first time out. It will take persistence.

No one celebrated today didn’t fail at a point in their lives. Some musicians we celebrate today had series of failures. They produced albums after albums that nobody considered buying but one album finally gave them their big break. If you are thinking you have an automatic shirt to fame, you are wrong. This is why the earlier you start, the better for you. To build a credible voice on the media will take a whole lot.

Imagine you have all the talents and capabilities hiding inside you, they are actually meant to service people. You are able to reach those persons when you get it right with the media. The media provide you the opportunity to reach the people that will value and see that talent.

Nothing good comes easy and fame isn’t easy. Those celebrities we watch and envy got their hard part of the work. They may seem to not be doing much today but they were when they started out. They are still working hard to sustain their success.

Whatever media you choose to use, your ability to use it correctly will determine how far you will go in your ride to success.

Before you turn forty, quality application of the media can be the edge you need to sustain your progress through the forties into your latter years.

As a matter of fact, developing a media strategy is relevant and strategic if your goal is global domination. The beauty of technology today is that we can get the world at our finger tips.

Your guarantee to making the kind of impact you want to see happen in your life is to get the information about how you can make your impact reach as much persons as it can reach. This means that you must be willing to commit yourself to adequate understanding of the media and its power.

People want it fast and the media offers you the opportunity to fast fame when you know how to tweak it to your favour. This means you that you must know how to invest necessary resources and be patient to see the results play out.

Don’t get jealous about how others succeed, get people to know about what you are doing and what you can do. Talk about it by all the means that you can, get on television, get on the internet, and get everywhere.

Your services, skills, gifts, business, identity, talent, and capacity will get the ears of people who will identify with you because they’ve seen and heard you talk the things that you do.

It makes sense that you will be seeking the most impact by doing all that you can to impact the world starting from those around you.

What’s key to fulfillment is to make the most of your life and all the things that God has put in you for the benefit of not just you but others too.

The media gives you that platform to empower others with what you’ve got. Start from somewhere, do something and the rest will take shape as you seek for platforms to manifest and expose what you have. You will succeed!

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