Being Positive in a Negative World: Doughnuts of Inspiration by Sy Tshabalala - HTML preview

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Life without God

Life without God is like a flying aircraft without pilot. It’s like riding in a moving car without a driver. It is like walking in a dense forest at night without a torch. It is like hiking in the searing heat of the desert without water. It is like attempting to make a normal call on a cell phone without a sim-card.

Life without God is tasteless. It is like sipping black strong coffee without milk and sugar. It is like eating meat without seasoning or salt. Life without God is incomplete. It is like a railway station without rail. It is like an airport without a runway. It is like a space shuttle without a rocket booster. It is like a soccer team without a coach. It is like a stage play without a script.

Only God is the script writer of our life story. Only God is the torch that will enable us to visualize our dreams and desires. Only God is the railway line that will lead us to our destiny. Only God is the runway that will enable us to take-off  from the airport of hardships. Only God is the driver that knows where we are supposed to be. Only God is the pilot that will fly us to our airport of purpose. Only God is the sim-card that will enable us to connect with the right people. Only God is the coach that will guide us to success.

Only God will bring taste to our lives. Only God will quench our thirst for success and fulfillment. Only God is the rocket booster that will propel us to another level of growth and wisdom. Only God will fill our emptiness. Only with God will our lives be complete.