Being Positive in a Negative World: Doughnuts of Inspiration by Sy Tshabalala - HTML preview

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Learning what to inhale and exhale

Learn to inhale what will build and revitalize your life and to exhale what is destructive and harmful. Learn to inhale God’s promises and to exhale your burdens. Learn to inhale faith and to exhale fear. Learn to inhale love and to exhale hatred. Learn to inhale forgiveness and to exhale unforgiveness. Learn to inhale success and to exhale failure. Learn to inhale joy and to exhale sadness. Learn to inhale peace and to exhale anxiety.

Learn to inhale today’s aroma and to exhale yesterday’s rotting smell. Learn to inhale progress and to exhale stagnancy. Learn to inhale goodness and to exhale evil. Learn to inhale dreams and to exhale nightmares. Learn to inhale people who want to add value in your life and to exhale those who have been causing you pain.

Learn to inhale inspiration and to exhale discouragement. Learn to inhale favour and to exhale rejection. Learn to inhale opportunities and to exhale obstacles. Learn to inhale your  desired destiny and to exhale depressing departure. Learn to inhale the sunrays of optimism and to exhale the dark clouds of pessimism. Learn to inhale the sweet scent of positive people and to exhale the stench of negative people. Learn to inhale purpose and to exhale confusion. Learn to inhale creativity and to exhale routine. Learn to inhale the sunrise of possibilities and to exhale the sunset of impossibilities. Learn to inhale the breeze of change and to exhale the fumes of familiarity. Learn to inhale oxygen and to exhale carbon dioxide.