Break And Study Secrets For Successful Living by Sikkandhar Basha - HTML preview

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6) Burning desire is the key



Desire is the word which will change your whole life. Every lock is made up of a key, without a key lock will be useless. If you want to open your career, dream home, love life and financial status there will be a key that’s called DESIRE.

Burning desire is like a rocket, it will takes you faster than any other vehicle reach the destination. It doesn’t fly automatically, you need to fuel and program it.

Do you know world famous American business magnate Mr. BILL GATES, Yes in this digital world everyone knows his success and wealth status. In the beginning of his career he was also an unsuccessful man. Bill gates was a Harvard university dropout and his first business TRAF-O-DATA was a failure. Then how he became a great business man in the world, that’s called BURNING DESIRE. Once the desire ignited in mind that will not off till the desire fulfill.

Another interesting event of BURNING DESIRE. Once a man went to guru (spiritual leader) and asked him guru would you please tell me “ how to become successful man in life” guru advised him that you should come to river side tomorrow. He did not know why he advised to come river side he was confused about guru’s talk.

Next day he went to river side along with guru. At the situation guru had decide to show him a BURNING DESIRE. Guru said him go downwards in water. He just started to go inside the water but not fully. At his shoulder level of water he stop. Guru came near and asked him, why you stop. He replied that I couldn’t go more deeper because my breath will get stop. At the time of conversation guru suddenly push him deep into water, he was shouting and trying to escape from water. Guru did not leave him for certain while to teach him a BURNING DESIRE.

After certain while guru leave him and asked.

“ What is the desire you had deep into the water ”

I had only one desire that is BREATH.

So once you decided to do something big, your burning desire will do for you.