Break And Study Secrets For Successful Living by Sikkandhar Basha - HTML preview

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5) Secret of success is your SUBCONSCIOUS MIND



Do you think ! , who is controlling your mind ?..

Yes this is very important question to you. If you want success in your goal, first under stand your subconscious mind.

Subconscious mind is always ON and It is giant tap recorder. All the messages you sent to subconscious mind will converted to IMAGES. This images working like a analyzing tool, to find results.

95% of our life is controlled by our subconscious mind, only 5% controlled by conscious mind. Subconscious mind will work only on present situation.

The following steps will control your subconscious mind

  • Write down your goal on a paper eg : your dream job, car or financial status.
  • Visualize your goal like a mental movie
  • Affirmation of your goal or a statement eg : I am succeed, I got it, I have achieved, Because subconscious mind only work on present tense not in future or past tense.
  • Create an affirmative line of your goal and paste it where you often see.
  • Create an MP3 of your affirmative goal and listen it in your device while just before sleep.
  • Communicate with your friends regarding your goal, this will takes you in reality life.
  • Repeat, repeat, repeat,.. above said because new habits and beliefs are formed flow of repeated actions not in just only words. Do it until you reach your goal.