Break And Study Secrets For Successful Living by Sikkandhar Basha - HTML preview

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4) Negative(-) to positive(+) thought transformation



This is very important part of your life because past decisions would be taken by some one.

Do not let them to decide your way because you are the capable one to decide it.

Whether you have money or not. Money is the second thing in the life.

If you have a passion to do something big, that will leads you where you want to be.

Do you know Thomas alva Edison great scientist was terminated from school by his teachers. Reason was Edison behaving like mentally disordered person or mentally affected person.

One day he was returning from school with a note in his hand, his teacher advice him that give this note to your mom. He showed the note to his mom. The message was..

“ Your son is mentally affected and behaving like psychologically disordered person, do not send him to school”

Actually Her mom convey the message to Edison like this,

“ Your son is genius and our school is very small, please educate your child at big schoo l ”

Since his mom received the message she was teaching Edison at home until she died.

After so many years EDISON found electric bulb and 1000+ inventions which change the world from dark to light.

After lot of inventions and all, One day Edison unexpectedly found the old note which was given to him from the school teachers.

“ Your son is mentally affected and behaving like psychologically disorder person, do not send him to school”

See how a genius created by a mother by changing words negative(-) to positive(+) in message.

It is life changing message, everybody can study and become succeed.