Break Through Fear and Self Doubt by James Nsien II - HTML preview

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Chapter 18

How to Escape Loneliness and Conquer Your Fear

There is hardly any individual in this universe that has never experienced loneliness and isolation for some reason or other. Human beings, being social animals, dread solitude. The very thought of solitude creeps you out as experiencing loneliness is never an amusing experience for us mortals. At times, people prefer staying in solitude by choice. For instance, saints, poets, artists, mystics and philosophers often prefer solitude which is considered as a refreshing and positive experience for them. However, for some people, loneliness can lead to phobia that enormously affects their health and gradually turn out to be fatal. The fear of loneliness strappingly grips their mind and compels them to do anything and everything to escape loneliness.

Individuals who dread the idea of lonesomeness exhibits the tendency of spending time with others as much as possible. This desire often turns out to be devastating and slowly but surely, such individuals become totally reliant on others. Thus, the fear of loneliness can handicap your ability to lead a normal life by making you anxious, cynical, dejected and insecure, which finally takes the shape of depression.

Wise are those who utilize this fear and convert it into a boon. You too can do that only if you realize that the time you spend with yourself is the only time when you can discover yourself and be just yourself! So steal some time for yourself everyday so that you can unwind, think deeply, and concentrate on self-growth, without depending on anyone.


Learn to relish silence: We live in a fast-paced society where people seem to have no time to stop and smell the roses. You can utilize the little spare time that you get in midst of your tight everyday schedule to hone your inventiveness so as to identify the talents that lies within you. The little bit of spare time that you get everyday is the golden opportunity to collect your thoughts. You can make the most of this time by pursuing your hobbies without any distraction.

Alternatively, you may also opt for mental relaxation exercises to eliminate stress and anxiety. Such exercises play a key role in stamping out panic attacks. Many individuals practice meditation, deep breathing techniques and aromatherapy to embrace solitude by conquering their fears. You too may try these techniques as they prove to be quite effective in combating your fears. These techniques not only make you feel relaxed but also improve your social life, simultaneously. As soon as your propensity to be in the company of others fades away, you can enjoy life to the fullest, in solitude as well as in the company of others.

Make Gratitude Your Attitude: Several studies have been carried out to prove that gratitude is a great virtue that always benefits people. Thus, you should show your gratitude to your family, friends and all the people in your life. Gratitude generates positivity that makes you more loveable besides improving your overall health.

Uncover the Beauty of Solitude: According to experts, when you feel lonely, it is not the person that you miss, but the activities shared with that person. Thus, the best solution in such situations is to keep yourself occupied. Go out for a lunch or dinner or watch your favorite movie. Initially, it may seem a bit awkward but sooner or later you will realize the bliss of being all by yourself. The thought that you can’t spend time all alone stops you from enjoying life and consequently, you become reliant on other people; thus, you should never let this idea creep into your mind. Conquer your negative thoughts on loneliness and once you succeed in doing that, you will be able to take pleasure in your independence. There is absolutely nothing wrong or weird in being alone.

Instead of sulking over loneliness, transform it into a magnificent opportunity to enrich your life and fill it with joy and mirth.