Break Through Fear and Self Doubt by James Nsien II - HTML preview

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Chapter 19

Overcoming Nyctophobia: The Fear of the Dark

Remember the days of your childhood when you were scared of darkness and the slightest rustling sound in the night would send chills down your spine? Fear of the dark, also known as Nyctophobia is not only common amongst children but also among grown-up individuals. Nyctophobia is indeed a horrible experience that robs you of peace of mind and makes you believe that ghosts, monsters, evil spirits or nocturnal creatures may attack you in the dark. Often this abnormal fear of darkness causes insomnia and other anxiety disorders. Nyctophobics who surrender to this irrational fear dread darkness and find it difficult to fall asleep till lights are turned on.

Why do People have a Fear of Darkness?

An emotional shock linked with this particular fear that was experienced by an individual during his/her childhood may take the form of Nyctophobia when the individual grows up. Sadly enough, it is impossible to avoid darkness completely; and this further debilitates makes Nyctophobia.

How to Surmount the Fear of Darkness?


Meditation is another effective means of relieving the nervousness and horror that you experience in darkness. Ten minutes of meditation everyday expels all unwanted fears and negative beliefs from your mind. Concentrate on your breathe while you inhale and exhale and allow your body and mind to relax. Keep your mind occupied by engaging in your favorite activities, such as playing with your pet, or listening to your favorite music. At the same time, stay away from things that stress you out at night or make you fretful.

It is not possible to overcome your fear in a day and sleep in complete darkness; therefore, take one step at a time. If a dark room makes you feel eerie and uncomfortable, you may use a dim light in your bedroom. Many people who do not suffer from nyctophobia have the habit of sleeping with dim lights on; thus, it is perfectly okay to sleep by keeping your bedroom lit with a dim light.

Try to identify the reasons that make you terrified of the dark. Is it any imaginary object that your mind correlates with darkness? Is it any particular event of the past that makes you dread darkness? Once you find out the reason, you should take measures to alter your notion about darkness. You can do that by forming optimistic connection with darkness. Try to realize the soothing effect of darkness and its calming effect. Once you discover the positive side of darkness, you will soon start embracing darkness rather than shunning it.

As soon as you alter your negative thoughts related to darkness, you also change your beliefs that generate those thoughts. Altering your idea about darkness is the key to conquer your fear of darkness.