Break Through Fear and Self Doubt by James Nsien II - HTML preview

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Chapter 22

Bid Adieu to Negative Thoughts

Our mind often fights with pessimistic thoughts. Negative thoughts affect our mind almost every day thus preventing us from thinking in a positive way. Normally pessimism arises from anxieties, panic attacks, doubts, and assumptions that we hold. Whenever we face a particular problematic situation, we perceive the problem at hand and start brooding over its consequence and end up losing our cool. If such negative thoughts remain unchecked, it starts commanding of our feelings and eventually drains our energy. Thus, it is essential to find out the root cause of our assumptions and destroy them step by step.

Getting rid of pessimistic thoughts…


Try challenging your negative beliefs and assumptions with rational questions, such as—“Is this thought true?”, “Are there any solid facts that make this thought true?”, and so on. By challenging your negative thoughts, you become aware of the fact that most of your assumptions and beliefs are untrue and baseless.

By eliminating your pessimistic thoughts, you allow your mind to embrace positivity so that you can be more relaxed. This entire procedure may be time-taking particularly if you are a pessimist; but ultimately your mind will start receiving more optimistic thoughts.

You may also form your own optimistic outline of thoughts to eliminate your negative thoughts. Your main purpose should be to make your optimistic thoughts come to your mind naturally, just like your negative thoughts. Try repeating those thoughts as many times as possible; for example— “I can do this”; “I can achieve this”, etc. Such positive affirmations play a key role in eradicating your pessimistic thoughts, as and when pessimistic thoughts starts drifting in your mind. Try practicing this procedure regularly, and soon you will be able to do it with ease.

Rather than battling with your thoughts, just let them be. Be at ease with your thoughts because even if you are nervous or worried about your pessimistic thoughts, your mind can still function in a good manner. Thus, next time, you experience the tendency of clashing with your thoughts, be calm and stop yourself from battling with them. In such situations, try focusing more on optimistic thoughts and soon it will turn into a habit. However, despite this practice, at times you may still feel anxious. In such situations, do not panic but just keep calm with a smile on your face. Keep in mind that nothing else can generate positivity as much as your smile.