Break Through Fear and Self Doubt by James Nsien II - HTML preview

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Chapter 31

Overcoming Vehophobia — Fear of Driving

Driving phobia is one of the most common forms of persistent fear that makes an individual nervous at the thought of driving a vehicle. Individuals suffering from vehophobia or fear of driving often experience sweating, trembling, and other panic attacks while driving even in safest situations, and gradually, they end up quitting driving forever. Even individuals with an excellent driving record may become the victim of this phobia. There are people who have been driving flawlessly for years may suffer from this phobia. Victims of this anxiety disorder end up imagining negative circumstances such as losing control when driving, killing someone or being killed while driving, or being stuck in traffic jam without being able to escape, and so on. Such negative thoughts paralyze the mind of the victim, and gradually he/ she avoids driving vehicles at all cost to avoid such negative thoughts.

What causes Vehophobia?

Vehophobia severely affects an individual’s ability to behave normally each time he is driving. Vehophobia may originate in various ways. Fear of traffic accidents, expecting the likelihood of a collision, or the tendency of avoiding crowds, etc. are the most common causes of vehophobia. Individuals who have experienced unpleasant incidents such as car accident are more likely to suffer from this phobia. Such disturbing memories often show up unexpectedly while driving, and gradually the individual becomes prone to fear and anxiety. However, the good news is that vehophobia, like any other phobia can be cured by helping its victim get rid of unwanted thoughts and pessimistic feelings.

Tips to Conquer Vehophobia

There are numerous ways of overcoming this fear. The first step is to understand how to control your panic attacks. Acknowledge that driving involves risk; but it proves to be dangerous only when you drive irresponsibly. However, prevent yourself from repeating this statement as constant repetition of this statement will further aggravate your problem. Reassure yourself that you will always drive responsibly, without any negative emotion. Start writing a note to yourself and stress on your talent of driving comfortably. Assure yourself that you are capable of driving without anxiety, and that you love driving while enjoying music. Read out this note aloud several times and imagine yourself driving your vehicle without the least worry. This simple exercise goes a long way in helping you combat your phobia.

If you are preventing yourself from driving owing to phobia, then it is high time you shed your fear and continue driving without fear. You can begin with short trips on roads familiar to you and gradually take lengthy trips to different places through unknown roads. Slowly and gradually, you will realize that you have overcome your phobia and doing quite well.

Always remember that the anxiety caused by driving phobia is totally imaginary and it would not kill you or cause anything bad. Though anxiety is depressing, it is certainly controllable Rather than combating your anxious thoughts, observe your emotions with indifference. Get rid of your stress by controlling your negative emotions. Practice yoga and deep breathing techniques to relax your mind and concentrate on positive thoughts when you drive. In no time, you will realize that you have successfully defeated your fear and that you can drive safely and with confidence.