Break Through Fear and Self Doubt by James Nsien II - HTML preview

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Chapter 32

Fear of Change- Get Over It

Change applies to a lot of things—relocating to a new city, a new career option, a new person in your life, and so on. Change also takes place when you lose someone dear to you, or have to give up something that you like the most. Change happens for good as well as bad because it calls for lots of adjustment in your lifestyle. Thus, it is important to build up a positive state of mind towards the change so that you can consider change as a positive factor in your life.

Fear of change is called Metathesiophobia, and there are many people who are scared of change. Since the ambiguity and unseen situations that comes with change becomes intolerable at times, some people who undergo change become immensely depressed. Rather than getting anxious about change, it is advisable to change your attitude towards change. Gradually you will comprehend that you can overcome Metathesiophobia successfully.

Learn to Cope with change

Have you ever moved ahead in life despite doubts and fear in your mind? If yes, then you must have also realized at a later stage that the fear that you had cultivated in your mind was much worse than the change you have experienced or have been experiencing. Or possibly, you were determined not to proceed with the step and confront the unknown! You should always keep in mind that whatever the circumstance may be, you can always conquer your fear of change. You and your circumstances are changing every moment, and most of the changes that you come across in life are not in your control. However, there are certain changes that are in your control, such as seeking a life partner, or a new job. To begin with, start initiating changes that are in your control and say goodbye to your fear.

You may prefer staying where you are and continue doing what you have been doing rather than facing the uncertain future. This may be a wise thing to do, but the relief it provides is only temporary. Nevertheless, if you make up your mind to take the initiative of introducing the change, you may actually alter your life and achieve your goals. You should be interested in accepting the change rather than dreading it. Analyze a specific change and get inquisitive to know what good factors the change can bring to your life rather than imagining negative consequences related to the change.

Adventurous souls, who undertake huge risks and welcome changes, come across similar fears but they bravely confronted their fears and phobias and became triumphant in life. They never allowed their fear to paralyze them but proceeded in life with change by acknowledging the fact that they do not have a control in the external events occurring in life. Thus, you should have adequate confidence in yourself and the urge to work hard, come what may!

Treat change like a vault wherein lies immense opportunities that can be realized only when you come across any uncertainty. The best way to fight Metathesiophobia is to challenge the fear and grow confidence in yourself. It is not as difficult as you think.