Career Options for Educated Unemployed
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Author: Natarajan Nagarethinam
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Pages: 64
Published: 7 years agoRating: Rated: 0 times Rate It
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Book Description
Not all those who are Educated get employment. No Government has any magic to create jobs. The leaders lie because the people are happy listening to lies. The leaders can solve the problem of not only unemployment but several other problems like violence. Ordinary people have very less abilities of Learning & Thinking abilities.That is the root cause of poverty to terrorism. (1) Change the ROTE baaed learning to Learning & Thinking based education. (2) Stop import of simple goods, like food cloth and all that were made in our country and can be made in our country.Stated otherwise, switch back to Traditional economy.This book explain also what all educated can do to lead life of affluence.