Champions are Born, Losers are Made by John Di Lemme - HTML preview

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Introduction: You are a Champion!

Have you ever thought about the fact that you started life as a Champion? It’s true. Everyone’s life begins as a sperm. Of the millions of sperm launched, only ONE gets through to fertilize the egg and begin the creation of a human being. Therefore, every person who has ever lived began as that one in a million. They surmounted every obstacle, were stronger than millions of others, and achieved the goal of uniting with the egg to begin the beautiful and mysterious creation of a “born champion.”

That is one of the most amazing stories in all of human history. I am stunned that we don’t celebrate that story in literature, art, music, and poetry. Think about it. Out of millions that begin, only one wins the prize! YOU are that one! How can anyone think that Champions are somehow mass-produced by education, arts, religion, culture, psychology, etc.? Yet, many do believe that and now you know why I wrote this book.

The idea for this book began when a reporter was interviewing me. In the midst of the interview, she made the statement that “champions are made.” After talking to her for two hours, I decided I had to write this book. If she, an intelligent and educated journalist, believes this LIE then so do many other people. As a society, we have too little regard or honor for this towering mystery of life. We do not have an appreciation for the creative wisdom of God.

The Bible says that each one of us is fearfully and wonderfully made. Doesn’t that say it all? God’s creative process delivers each one of us into life as a Champion.

Following birth, many factors take over. Negative people and stupid ideas are the main culprits. God delivers a Champion into this world and then “man’s best and brightest” start messing with the Champion. After a few years of negative thoughts, negative people, ignorance, and neglect, we have losers all around. We made them! Rejoice in your place as a Champion. Don’t let anyone steal it from you.

Read this book. It is designed to strengthen your Championship! Let it show you how to build on the good foundation which started when you were just a sperm, struggling against great odds. Always remember: inside YOU are the seeds of greatness. You were born a Champion, and this book is written to speak to your inner Champion. I despise the choir of doubt that sings in the background of most people’s lives. I want you to despise it too. That choir sings lies all day long. Don’t let them decide how you live your life!

The structure of this book identifies specific principles that are essential to Champions. Trust me. You won’t get it by reading it once. You need to read it multiple times. It’s small. It’s compact. It’s designed to fit easily into your purse, your inside suit pocket, or your briefcase. Take it with you everywhere you go. Read it on the airplane, at the doctor’s office (it will speak to your inner Champion much more than the magazines laying around his office), as you stand in line at the bank, and during hundreds of other opportunities. Think of this book like a miracle drug. Keep taking it until your personal Championship is healthy, humming, and heroic!