Champions are Born, Losers are Made by John Di Lemme - HTML preview

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Principle 1: Self-Belief and Acceptance

YOU – every one of YOU reading this book – are a Champion. Even if you don’t look, feel, or think like a Champion right at this moment, trust me. Inside of you is a Champion that is fighting to get out!

All the things you don’t like in yourself such as fear, procrastination, guilt, negative thinking are loser habits that have been developed and imposed on you by others. I recently encountered a young woman with an in-your-face negative attitude. She enjoyed flaunting her negativity to me. I just laughed. She reacted, “What’s so funny?” I said, “I’m just grateful that I’m a Champion.” The next day I saw her holding a baby and baby-talking that sweet little infant. Something in me just rose up and I wanted to shout (almost in anger) to the baby and the Mom: “YOU ARE A CHAMPION . . . act like it!”

That young woman was born a Champion and yet a loser was developed, a loser was made where a Champion was supposed to live. If she doesn’t get a grip on that, she will turn her beautiful baby into a loser too. What a waste and a tragedy!

I am so fired up because I feel the need to get to people like that. That cycle of losing is being perpetuated in so many families and social groups. God delivers a Champion into the world and then bad habits, negative thoughts, and destructive lifestyles MAKE a loser to replace the Champion.

Believe! Folks, this is not complicated. This is not rocket science. All you have to do is just BELIEVE you are a Champion. Accept that. Believe in that great Champion that lives inside you. Let him or her OUT! Refuse to be shaped, molded, developed, and made into a loser.

Part of my personal calling is to be your encourager, your mastermind, your inspiration, your achievement partner, and the voice that keeps reminding you that YOU are a Champion! I don’t care what other voices are telling you. I, John Di Lemme, am telling you that you are a Champion. Get that down deep in your soul. It is the truth that will conquer every other voice. I don’t care where you are right now, say out loud, “I am a Champion.” Shout it: “I AM A CHAMPION!”

Develop faith for your future. Believe in it. The Bible says that faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. Faith is tasting the apple while it is a mere seed. Faith is so strong that it can take hold of future realities and bring them to you today! Yes, you still have to wait for the apple to become a tree and a harvest of apples, but faith allows you to see it so strongly that you don’t have to wait for the physical reality in order to believe it.

Gravity is a good example of faith. You believe in the law of gravity don’t you? Why? You can’t see it, hear it, taste it, smell it, or touch it. Yet, you don’t have a hard time believing the evidence of things (gravity) unseen. Accepting and believing that you are a Champion is the very same thing. You either believe and accept it

or you don’t. The knowledge that you started life literally as one in a million should cause you to stop and say “Whoa! Wait a minute. I’m not a loser. I started this journey as an incredible Champion. Maybe God knew what He was doing after all.”

Just because you can’t see your future, just because you can’t see your dreams fulfilled right now and just because you can’t see the artifacts of success (like a fine home, beautiful family, high-quality car) doesn’t mean you are a loser. Your Championship is as real as gravity! I get fired up when I think about empowering people to dream of these kinds of things. Champions walk by faith. Accept it and believe it in the depths of your heart and mind.