Championship Signpost by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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In the increasingly fast world, we find ourselves today in, we desire fast results. Increasingly we are desperate to achieve our set of goals and objectives. It is great to have a desire and goal and to plan to achieve that goal but many seem to choose the fast lane. We want it and fast. the tendency to drive on this lane has made some fall into the traps of desperation.

Many are usually attracted by the nature of the fast lanes that they give into overspeeding. A car driver drives on the road at neck bending speeds, fails to recognize the presence of speed bumps and ends up dead. His life would have been preserved if only he had been patient enough to heed to the warning of speed breaks.

There is always a tendency to indulge ourselves in carrying out actions that are inappropriate when we are desperate. Desperation kills thoughtfulness and creative thinking. Most times, whenever we are trying to carry out an action in the air of desperation, we tend to lose focus and direction and fail to get the kind of results we need further leading to frustration.

Being desperate creates a new different mindset, one developed only by looseness. A driver on the road to championship must ease himself and realize that the journey to championship has a path that must be trodden.

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