Championship Signpost by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Dare!! Very familiar word isn't it? Whenever a task seems impossible to do, you'd normally hear the word „dare man'. Daring is a challenge. On the road to championship, there is so much to dare. There are so many challenges to face, too many mountains to climb and too many rivers to cross. There was once a time when transportation by air, ocean etc was impossible. People imagined the impossibility and decided that the impossibility will exist no more. They decided to try the impossible, they challenged the odd, and they dared.

All great achievers have always dared. Champions are men who dare, and they had to take a challenged that seemed insurmountable and powered by a poise to get over the challenge, got over it.

The world is looking for men and women who can dare; people who will stand for what is considered right against the crowd of impossibility. Joshua, a valiant soldier had gone to spy out Jericho with Caleb and the rest of the ten; they were amazed by the size of the Canaanite and encumber by the walls of Jericho. The task seemed impossible and the other ten gave in to fear, but Joshua and Caleb dared to get over Jericho and Caleb dared to get over Jericho. They both became the rallying point upon which Jericho was defeated, imagine what would have happened if they had not dared.

To dare entails coming through intriguing moments and choosing to stand and fight till the victory is won. A little man like David and the Giant Goliath explains what daring could do. Goliath had stood, a great giant looking over the host of Israel one to challenge him. The host of Israel and even Saul the king the biggest of all Israelites could not stand this man, but David strolled into the camp. He had been working on the championship road and he reached the point where he would compete for the prize. Here Goliath stood. Israel was shaking but. David dared to stand up against Goliath. David dared to kill Goliath.

Those who dare always have behind them a couple of other persons that will dare too. David had other men who kill giants too like him. David had broken the jinx and others followed suit. Those who dare will naturally lead.

Daring involves a two-way directional movement. You can dare either to make a positive change or dare to make a negative impact. You may be opportune to have come across a quarrel where one person dares the other to a duel. This daring character is an example of a use of useful energy in a negative way. Of course, daring involves the use of energy though in this case a wrong use.

Some persons have been tagged daredevils for their intimidating and criminating character and attributes. These persons breed fear in the hearts of those around them and they pose a threat to the safety of people around them.

Daring in this sense destroys the positive influence that one could possibly have.

Champions know how to dare when to dare and how to dare. That is what separates them from others. Everyone dares but the perfect timing is necessary to achieve and conquer to move ahead.

Inside you is the strength to dare. God has imputed in you the right amount of energy you will need to overcome your fear. All he expects from you is a little bit of faith. Remember Jesus said, if you have faith as a mustard seed, It means if you can dare a little, you will see your mountains fall like a pack of cards. You do not have to fight but you can dare.

On this signpost to championship, daring a little may just be the next bold step you will have to take to be the champion you want to be.


D – Dealing with fears

A – Acting against the fears

R – Responding positively against the fear

E – Experiencing championship

So then, the next time you come across a challenge that seems intimidating and impossible remember „just dare'.