Championship Signpost by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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On our roads, you have observed the many sign posts leading us somewhere. Companies, organizations, churches, schools etc.all have signposts directing their intended customers or members towards their location. Sign posts are guides leading to an intended direction. You would easily locate an unknown location if the right signpost were made available. There are also signposts leading us nowhere. They are just there adding no value to human movement. They have lost their value.

Many individuals claim to have the right signpost to being a true champion and success. If you do a search on the internet, you will observe the many companies and organization that describe one method or the other for achieving one type of success or the other. They attract readers or passersby to try out their methods. They think they have the right answers to the fledging questions of those success tasty souls. Many students have often been deceived into believing that there are various methods of acquiring success. Even businesspersons have fallen prey to these short changes.

While there are many signposts leading to one form of success or the other, many of them could be very misleading. They offer short-lived success, a type in which you end up losing all that you had hard earned. Do not be deceived by what seems like the colored sign post with neon signs referring you to the Indian temple and other mystical success means. They are entirely heading you towards doom. They may seem to pay off soon but in the long run, you turn out the loser. Some signposts try to mimic the original that many are being deceived towards their paths. The routes look so like the original that you would hardly tell the difference between the major route and minor routes.

Do not be deceived by the plethora of routes. Some persons will see these routes and think they are the major routes. Many do not even know the difference. They make statements, as after all we will achieve success at the end, which is what is important they would conclude. The truth is that the end is not always the same. However similar the routes seem, if it is not the original, it is not the original. The only road to success is the original path. Our quest for success and achievements must not drive us blind. Our eyes must be open to seeing the right signpost. Do not mind the copycats who try to fake success. They normally lead others to their end. Whatever profession one is pursuing, there is only one route to true success.

There are much fake fast success signposts, directing you to down and failure. It seems there is a plethora of them. They may look shiny and bright but they are indeed doom directed. There is indeed only one signpost that is why Jesus himself said I am the only way the truth and the life. The only way to true success is in Jesus. so many might have been deceived by many so called ministries who have used the name of Jesus to deceived many into following them in a sheer quest for success. Only Jesus gives true success. Success is the children's bread, and if you must enjoy that bread then you must look out for that special signpost. It may look worn and dirty but it is the old rugged signpost. It may not be beautiful at the initial sight, but at close look, this signpost attracts you to uncommon riches at Christ expense.

We have an assurance of success in Jesus. Though Satan may play a ploy to deceive us by creating vague pictures to us, we must like Jesus say no to him. Satan offered to give Jesus earthly pleasures and success when indeed Jesus had a heavenly treasure. Many persons make this mistake of accepting Satan's vague offer in place of God's heavenly offer. What a mistake this is. Jesus has promised heavenly treasures. He made it clear that in God’s house, there are many mansions. Do not be deceived by the agents of Satan who come to confuse us and move us away from God's promises. God's promises are yea and Amen to as many people that believe.

True champions know the only true signposts. They look out for it everywhere they go. They know where they heading to from the start. They do not move directionless. They trust on the true signpost to direct them. Even when they see a plethora of signposts, they keep sight of their intended signpost and are not deceived. Indeed, champions have learned to trust Jesus the signposts of all signposts. if you do not look away from this signpost, you would score a plus on the path of success and the true championship.

Now, friend to be able to have a focused mind towards the true championship and to be able to pursue your goals with the right signpost requires a firm desire. There must be a desire to pursue championship. Champions begin with a desire and this has driven them through to achieving their goals.