Championship Signpost by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Every champion begins with a desire. They begin with a mental picture painted. They began by thinking. You are familiar with the biblical phrase “as a man thinketh so he is”. There is always first a desire, a thought to achieve. Whatever success you have seen people have, began with someone desiring. This desire may come from a dream, a self-realization, etc. and it was built upon by an action. Jesus had assured in his word that whatever we desire would be granted to us if we look up to our father the source of everything. Desire is the starting point of great achievers. As we move every day in our quest for survival, we have many desires we intend to see through. The difference between champions and failures are that champions pursue their desires to the latter while failures accept defeat.

Desire can be positive or negative. Every champion developed positive desires. Solomon the richest man the world has ever known had ever known had a desire. He needed wisdom and knowledge to govern his kingdom Israel. Moreover, he pursued that desire by asking God to grant him his desire. His desire was a positive desire to make a positive impact. Of course, God heard and granted him this wisdom. We know that Solomon is similitude with wisdom. Jabez was another man with a quest and desire. He had realized that he could achieve more above the setback his name had caused him and he did something about it. He called on God the father. This man had positive desires that these drove him to achieve. In our contemporary world, many men and women have had their desires accomplished. Persons like Barrack Obama, Martin Luther King, scientists like Newton, Carl Marx, etc. all these persons had the desire to cause positive change in the status quo upon which they had found themselves.

Some people also had negative desires Balaam had a negative desire. Therefore, he called Balak and asked him to curse the sons and daughters of Israel. Because it was not the purpose and will of God, God proved to them that he was superior. He canceled the council of the wicked. Sanballat and Tobias had a negative desire, to cause confusion in Jerusalem and bring the work of God to not. God showed he was indeed more superior. Every negative desire would always have a natural end. The devil influences negative desires in man. Remember that in the beginning of creation, the devil planted a negative desire in the first man and woman, Adam and Eve. „'Eat this fruit and you shall become like God''. Devil put inside man a negative desire of wanting to know good or bad like God. He thus changed the course of man. He fulfilled his desire of cutting short God's plan for man. Man accepted the devils limited vision and thus allowed the devils desire to be his desire. Today the devil desire is still in full swing to ensure we lose track of the sign post leading us to true championship

There is a God desire that we must instill in ourselves, a desire to walk with God, to know God and to accept his course through which we would be directed to take. Everyone who takes on God's desire outlives his own desires. Solomon, you have read earlier had a desire for wisdom and knowledge for ruling his kingdom. God not only granted him Solomon's request but he superseded his expectation. His wisdom was not only for his kingdom but also it attracted kings and queens and he gained respect from all the kings around him. Solomon is still influencing lives with his wisdom. However, it all started with a desire.

To be a true success, you must have an unquenching desire to be that success. It must be a desire that will:

  • Drive you: Once your desire cannot drive you to act then it is not a desire but a mere wish. The popular saying goes, if wishes were horses men would have ridden. It is because men make wishes, that is why they cannot ride on their horses. Desire makes you strive to ride on the horse.
  • Propels you: You need propulsion, to drive the car. An engine fires the car so that the driving could be done. Desire puts in the champion, the propensity to act and act fast. Have you ever seen rockets in propulsion? It uses up enough energy in the form of fuel to run smoothly. Something has to propel you to act and that propulsion is your desire.
  • Make people see along with you: True champions know how to carry people along with them. Their desire rubs off on others who also find themselves working to see the desire of the champion come through. Champions command respect and have no problems having people to carry out the desire they would want to see being accomplished.

Champions desire to win always. They eat the bread of winners and they always get to win. Even when it seems there are setbacks or pitfalls, they normally find a way of coming through them. They let their desire supersede the setbacks and once it does, they climb over their setbacks as if they are eating food. You want to be a champion. Then start building on that desire. That dream you had some years ago is still waiting for you to work on it. Remember Joseph had a dream. He made his dream his desire. He talked about his dream everywhere. Even when it seemed the dream would be killed, his desire to see the dream come through ensured he had the backing of God. Joseph the dreamer saw his desire come through.

You are steered up by something inside you. There is an excitement. Something must excite you about that dream. Something must drive the passion. You aspire to acquire what you desire and when you perspire never retire but re-fire. There must be a desire to aspire, and an aspiration to acquire. Your aspiration must correspond to a particular desire. Desire that thing; it is certain you can get it.