Converted on LSD Trip by David Clarke - HTML preview

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12.0 I Go Fishing For Men


In May 1983 I was engaged to preach at the church in Bierton on Sunday 5 th June. I have always had that desire to catch men for Jesus Christ but how do you do it. I was now living in Aylesbury and a lot of my former friends are still in and around Aylesbury having no hope and without God in the world. I felt compelled to do some thing to get the message of the love of God in Jesus Christ to them some how.


Photo 22 David fishes for men - Bieton Meeting 5 th June 1983

Jesus had done for me and that I was preaching at Bierton Church I decided I should go and ask the Bucks Herald, a local news paper to give me some free advertising. I simple went to the Bucks Herald office and told them my story. I said I wanted to reach all my old friends to tell them what the Lord on the 5 th of June that they were all welcome.

I was prepared to advertise but I know I was being cheeky in asking for it free. Little did I realise it but I was giving them their front page news for the week. Before I knew it the photographer was out to see me and a reporter taking notes for a story. It all happened so quickly

The story appeared as follows on the front page of the Bucks Herald on Thursday May 19 th 1983.

72 What Happened Next ?

I was landed with a problem as I did not expect any of this to happen and I hadn’t informed the church and so I felt the need to explain what had happened in case it offended any one. I felt relieved when no one was upset.

I felt the need to be very careful because in October 1982 I had already found some opposition from one part of the church and I was not out cause trouble. They were against a certain good minister and visiting preacher because he had used the term Evangelical Repentance and that he read the Evangelical Times. I had defended this man in every way I knew how but for the sake of peace the church decided not to asked this man preach again. I was very sad and disturbed by this and I believed from that time Satan was provoked by my actions. And there was more to come. So for this reason I felt  the need to be extra careful.

The following week I went fishing looking in the pubs and visiting people’s homes looking for my former friends in crime, in order to bring them along to hear what Jesus had done for me and could do for them.

I wasn’t long before the national news network were on to me and wanted the story which I believe appeared in one of the national news paper. I was disappointed in the write up because I felt it was trivialising the reality of what was going on. This is the official transcript :

Dear David Here’s what we put out on the national Telex service. Looking forward to seeing you at the service June 5 th. Yours Peter Game

83-05-25 16:43     462 Title Service

From Peter Game, OX and Bucks NA

Catch: Service

Reformed crook David Clarke is hot on the trail of his mates in crime.

He’s turned detective to trace thieves, drug pushers, burglars, bandits and drunks in a massive one man round-up aimed at changing their lives.

And it could result in the most bizarre meeting of shady characters a town has ever known.

David, 33 wants to pack them all into a tiny church at Bierton, bucks, and tell them how God saved him from spending a life behind bars.

And if the Local CID force at nearby Aylesbury, bucks wants to turn up and join in the hymn singing too they are welcome. David a married man with two children from Aylesbury Road, Bierton, is a lay preacher in the Baptist church.

He said, “God helped me and can help all my old  buddies too”.

David an Electronics lecturer at a Polytechnic explained :

“ I ‘ve already persuaded some old villainous pals to come along. I want to pack the church with criminals, but it’s going to be a tough job”.

The former thief and drug user left Borstal aged 18 and decided to lead a life of luxury based on crime.

“I was in a car ringing business, thieving vehicles and knocking them out again” he confessed.

“ I’ve broken into an old peoples home to steal A colour telly, taken garage equipment, nicked from tills, walked of with speed boat engines, and taken drugs. I’ve even sold drugs and got involved in permissive sex.

“There were time when I used to keep an axe and a mallet in my car just in case. Now it has all changed.

His life took a drastic change when he “met Jesus Christ” during an LSD trip and joined the Baptist Church.

And when detectives questioned him about an offence he did not commit he confessed to 24 he did carry out.

He Added “ I’ve had a clean sheet for 13 years. I’m not going to preach the bible at the bad boys --- Just show them how God helped me and let them make up their minds”.


Memo to news desk: Service on June 5 th. We believe this man is absolutely genuine in his actions.

Memo Ends

72  Out Come Of The Meeting

The meeting went ahead as planned but not  many people turned up. I heard that some did not come because they did not wish to be associated with each other. Pat Jones and Malcomb Kirkham were now enemies. Pat Jones had not long ago been around Malcomb’s house to blast him with a shot gun. Malcomb had been in evolved in drug pushing and other things.

Mike West said he wasn’t prepared to sit or be associated with drug pushers and criminal’s etc.

I had spoken as faithfully as I could of the Lord Jesus Christ and I can remember saying from the pulpit how good God had been to me in blessing me with a good Job, a wife, a nice house, children being in church and many friends what more could a natural man want. I had comments made by several people that God had really blessed me providentially and I knew it.

On reflection it seems from this time I was battered from every way. First my church membership was lost , then my health which effected my call to preach. Then my children were attacked, then my home was lost, and then my Job is lost. Then my faith in God was lost which lead to me giving up on my marriage. I write about all these events in the next chapters.

As I write this it reminds me of the story of Job who was truly blessed of God then Satan came seeking to destroy his faith in God. God gave Satan leave to do it but the end of Job best better than his beginning. Thanks be to God. I hope my story will reflect the same faithfulness of God to me.

73 I Peach A Moving Sermon

After the issue regarding the Holy Table I wrote to Mrs. E. but she returned the letter unread. She informed me she knew the truth and nothing would change her mind. See my letter in article “The Bierton Chris’s.”

On the 26 th October 1983 I had the responsibility to lead the prayer meeting on the Wednesday evening and speak from the scriptures as I felt lead. On this occasion four of the congregation got up and left, My sermon was obviously a moving sermon. See article “Bierton Christ” for full sermon

74 Essence Of The Sermon

I explained I had been called by grace 14 years ago and have testified to them of the goodness of God to me in saving me from a life of crime, drug taking etc. I had leaned about Jesus through reading the bible. That I have come to the Bierton church because they two had a knowledge of the truth of Jesus Christ, his dying for our sins. His justifying righteousness and the Sovereignty of God in all his work towards us.

I said I believed God had called me to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and I had responsibilities to them all to make known what God had shown me.

I said the building was not the “House of God”. There was no such things as holy tables etc. and we must not reverence these things.

At this point a member of the church shouted out. “Well is not this the house of God” pointing to the roof of the building. Then another rose to their feet saying this is just like a church meeting and walked out. Then two other persons Mr. King and his wife and John Snuggs go up and left.

I was staggered and alarmed for I had not raised my voice not spoke severely or in a hard way. Never the less the truth as revealed in Jesus Christ had provoked this reaction.

I then recalled a dream I had.

75 The Holy Table

About this time August 1983, I took my children to church and I had my brother’s daughter with me she would have been about 5 years old. After the Sunday school I happened to place her cardigan on the table at the front of the chapel, this was before the morning service ( I say meeting) . This was the table used when conducting church affairs and for the communion. The pulpit was behind this, this was were the preacher stood and preached. The table was where the hymns were announced and given out.

Mrs. E. in her lovely manor came up to me and said I was to take the cardigan off, “The Holy Table”. I was shocked by this remark. What was this all about we now have a Holy Table. I was dismayed at such heresy and after the morning meeting I asked the church members to stay behind whilst I established what was going on. I began to realise I was unearthing more religious errors which would have to be dealt with soon than later.

I asked the few members of the church, in front of Mrs. E., about the “Holy table”. I said there was no such thing as a holy table in the New Testament this was religious error and just like the Roman Catholics and their superstitions. I said I would not stand by and let this error go unchecked. To my surprise and disappointment Miss G Elliss became angry and walked out saying she was feed up with it all. She said she would not want a pair of shoe put on the kitchen table and she walked out in anger.

I thought to my self we are in two different worlds what was going on in the minds of the church and congregation at Bierton. I felt so taken up with zeal for the cause of God and truth I could have taken a large axe and cut the table up in front of every one. I decided to do it another way. I would use the “sword of the spirit”.

13.0 St. Albans Abbey After A Protest

In October 1983 I was informed that officials of St. Albans Abbey, a church of England establishment, were for the first time in 400 years giving official recognition to the practice of the Roman Catholic Mass. This was probably as a direct result of the Papal visit to Britain in 1982.


Photo 23 Escorted out of St Albans Abbey October 1983

They had invited a Roman Catholic Father Plourde to serve in the Anglican church and he was to offer Mass on a regular basis at the St. Albans Abbey. This was in fact illegal and against the principles of the Act of Settlement.

No one seemed to care or could see what was happening I had studied the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church and found it in very serious error.

I felt constrained to support any kind of protest just to let people know what was going on throughout the world. The Mass had no place in the Christian faith.

I decided to take my two children Isaac John (5) and Esther Jane (4) with me to protest against this evil.

I attended the meeting on a Saturday afternoon and before very long a Mr. Scott Person of the British Council of Protestant Churches stood up and made a formal protest. He was escorted out.

I waited a while and just before the meeting resumed I stood up and made my protest. I too was escorted out of the meeting with Isaac and Esther in my hands.

This event hit the head line news again in Aylesbury and also in the local news in Luton these articles appear as follows :

77 Teacher’s Protest In Abbey

A Luton college lecturer was ejected from St. Albans Abbey after a stand up row in the middle of a special service.

David Clarke was escorted from the building after protesting about involvement of a Roman Catholic priest in the proceedings.

This week 34-year old Mr Clarke , who lecturers in electronics at Luton College of Higher Education, Park Square, told why he challenged the welcoming of Father Robert Plourde to the service.

He said : To have a Roman Catholic priest appointed as an assistant in an Anglican Church is contrary to the Church of England articles of religion.

The service had been stopped by a protest from Rev. Scott Pearson, the Baptist minister of Maulden, representing the British Council of Protestant Christian Churches.

He left the Abbey , but before the ceremony could resume father-of- two Mr Clarke stood up to voice his opinions.

“ I told the congregation the involvement of a Popish person was against Christian principles and offensive. I was escorted out of the Abbey with my two children.

He said the welcoming of Father Ploured and Methodist minister the Rev Donald Lee on Saturday last week was part of a move to bring the churches together.

Mr Clarke of Aylesbury Road, Bierton Buckinghamshire, who sometimes preaches in the Luton Area, said he was saved from a life of crime and drug taking through Jesus Christ spoke to him when experiencing a bad LSD Trip.


Men and women of good faith striving for peace and brotherhood brought about the delicate and vulnerable progress towards unification of the  various denominations slowly and arduously. Such a balance could be disturbed and for what purpose ?

Search the bible that you are so prominently featured holding, Mr. Clarke and there you find that Jesus preached love, compassion and tolerance. Not the condemning of hatred against those of us, of every faith and creed, who are still striving towards further enlightenment. Christ’s teachings are simple and clear cut. Are you certain you are following the true leader ? Mrs. Cecilia Brooks 30 York Place, Aylesbury.

Another upset person also wrote the following in the same paper:

78 Playing “Fantastic Tricks”

Sir, - Like myself , many of your readers must have been filled with dismay to see your recent headlines “Anti - Pope rumpus in Abbey”.

They must also have regretted that, when the two great Christian leaders, the Pope and the Archbishop of Canterbury, are striving to promote peace and understanding between religious denominations, well-meaning bur fanatics should seek to destroy their endeavours.

Half the cold blooded murders in Ireland wear the clock of religion as else where in the world, whilst the Russians persecute Baptists and the Mujahideen. And in Iran the unfortunate Baha’is - men, women and children - are martyred for their faith.

Do we want the days of the Tudors to come back and flames rekindled at Amersham or Oxford ?

No-one should suppose that tolerance and indifference are one and the same.

The tolerance in which I believe, means respect  to others and for all God’s creation-man and beast and plant.

It also means love for one’s neighbour but, as Shakespeare wrote; Man proud man, dressed in a little brief authority, plays such fantastic tricks before high heaven as makes the angels weep”.

K.M.D.. Dunbar


London Road

Aston Clinton


I was encourage by the Lord through Malcom Kirkham I was move to write my reply to the news paper and it appeared on the 27 th October 1983 which was as follows:

79 Cannot Remain Silent

Sir,- I did not wish to cause hatred , violence or anger when making my protest over a popish person now conducting the mass at the Anglican Church at St. Albans.

Can it not be seen my actions were of those of a loving and faithful Christian ? All Christians believe, “faithful are the wounds of a friend “.

My protest was based on the fact that the Roman Catholic Mass has not place in the Christian Church since it is a blasphemy against the Lord Jesus Christ. ( Article 31 Church of England).

The Roman Catholic church proclaims a person cannot be saved unless he partakes of the sacrifice of the mass, nor experience the salvation of the Lord Jesus Christ.

My concern was for those newly seeking the Lord Jesus Christ and to indicate to them the devices of those who should know better.

I have a wife and family and twins on the way. I have a responsible lecturing post and teach people of all ages. I am experienced in danger and believe I should point out such dangers to the innocent.

I am currently teaching the gospel to a now reformed drug pusher, criminal and convict. Directing him and his wife unto the Lord Jesus Christ the saviour and not the Mass or any other device of men.

To Cecilia Brooks and K.M. Dunbar, who believe many were horrified and dismayed, may I say I think not but be consoled with the words of a wise man (Acts 5.38) “Refrain from these fears and anxieties for if my actions be merely of myself it will come to naught: but if it be of God, ye cannot over throw it, lest happily, ye be found even to speak evil of the evil wind, that is said to be blowing, when in fact it is the Spirit of God.

As a preacher of Christ’s love to men, I cannot remain silent but must oppose those kisses, though ever so sweet are deceitful.

My home is open to all that are genuinely seeking the truth as in the Lord Jesus Christ.

You may come to see the church at Bierton as well to hear the Word of God spoken.

DAVID CLARKE (Minister of the Gospel)  27/20/83

80 Rescuing Michael’s Roles Royce

Whilst these things (About 1982) were going on my brother got into serious difficulties. His business was failing and he became very depressed so much so he did not know how to sort some of his problems. He came to me one day explaining he has sold his Roles Royce to a person in Milton Keynes for £7000 and he was still owed £3,500. He was too ill to sort it our. The person kept give one excuse after another as to why he could not pay the money.

I felt indignant and was not prepared to sit down and see some one take advantage of my brother because he was ill and could not sort his problems out.I said to Michael come on I will go with him and get it sorted . I dressed in my Cromby over coat and suite and looked very official and we went to this person’s house in Milton Keynes. I told Michael not to worry I would deal with any problems. When the person answered the door, early on morning, I said who U was what we had come for that I was a Christian and we intended to sort out the issue with the Roles Royce. The bloke looked at me gone out.

Michael decided he wanted the car back and so it was agreed that he would pay back the £3500 in cash and take the car. I found out that the previous deal had been done between another person as well as this man and the car was in his garage some where else. Also a problem with a finance company had arisen. This all seamed straight forward and we left with the intention ( or so I thought) to return with the £3500 cash and collect the car that day.

My brother explained that he understood that these men had raised money through a finance company to buy the car and he only got half the money. I then feared if he gave up the £3500 cash to them he would loss that as well as the finance  company would claim ownership of the car. He had already gone top the police but the police said it was not a problem they could deal with so my brother felt real down about the whole issue. He said he could not remember signing any forms with a finance company but I began to feel the case was not a straight as it first seemed. Michael kept saying he could not remember what had happened.

I got the impression Michael had been party to some deal and was keeping some thing from me and these men had just tucked him up for £3500. and they now had no money to pay. Micheal has informed me years later that he did not know about this and he was taken advantage of, by these men, whilst he was ill.

Michael decided to get the car back so he paid a couple of his heavy friend’s £250 to go and collect the car. Sure enough the next day the Roles Royce was in bed in my garage at Bierton, out of the way. I felt much better even though my brother didn’t. This did not stop my brother worrying because apparently there was more to it than first met the eye there was some problem with the finance company. I felt let down by Michael for not telling me all this. Had he told me all this in the beginning instead of being devious. ( Micheal now tells me I was wrong) I could have helped him. In the end the finance company contacted Michael and he by then realised the car belonged to the finance company. Michael, through not being able to cope with the worry, agreed to return the car as he realised the deal they had done was not straight forward.

This was all out of my hands and on reflection I think it would have been better to keep the car  and give the finance company the £3500 but at the time I was not able to sort the issue out for Michael because he had kept things from me.

I felt upset for my brother because he had lost his car and all that money.

We are always wise after an event.