Converted on LSD Trip by David Clarke - HTML preview

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14.0 I Leave The Bierton Strict And Particular Baptist Church


The events, which had taken place in Bierton Church, had convinced me Satan’s kingdom was being plundered. I had been instrumental in causing no small stir in the church. By October 1983 of that year the church was dysfunctional. I had been engaged to preach and conduct the communion service but felt unable and it wrong for me to do so. I believed until the issues were sorted out and the church were in order and of one mind, in the Lord it would be wrong for me to conduct the communion service.

Mrs. E., the person who had objected to the term’s evangelical repentance, of course had pointed the finger at me. It was said I caused these difficulties since April 1993 as I had write to Mr. King a member of our church and preacher. Mr. King had been advancing views of general redemption, which was opposed, to particular redemption. Our articles of Faith clearly stated a belief in particular redemption. I had attempted to correct these errors by speaking to Mr. King and finally writing. This letter was said by Mr. King to be, “Full of condemnation” and parts of that letter had been read to the church by Mr. King before he resigned. This letter is recorder in “The Bierton Chris’s”

Not only this but the issue of Ladies wearing hats had surfaced ( not that I was against women wearing a head covering) , then there was the issue of “The Holy Table” .

Then finally the issue of Law and Gospel surfacing. It was now being maintained the Sabbath Day (the Mosaic Sabbath ) was to be kept by every one. Where as I had taught then Lord Jesus Christ is the sum and substance of the Sabbath. He is the rest for the people of God and we must to enter into this rest not the Sabbath day according to the Law. I asserted every day was the Sabbath. It seemed to get worse.

I actually felt the old serpent there and I was about to stamp on the Old Serpent. Looking back I realise I had been contending not against flesh and blood but against those principalities and powers which had kept many believers in bondage and chains.

I felt in the end it was me causing the trouble I now believe on reflection that was satanic suggestion. I had been standing for the truths of the Lord Jesus Christ but had met with all kinds of false religious spirits, which I named and opposed.

This ended in me seceding from the Bierton Strict and Particular Baptist Church on 26 th June 1984. I did this because I saw no hope if people wished to remain in darkness. I could not act in faith. A full and detailed, accurate account of the events leading to my secession in found in my article, “The Bierton Chris’s”. see other publications.

81 I Preach At Home

Having left the Bierton church I found it very difficult to adjust to our new situation. I considered going to another church but where was the question. In the mean while we met at home and I preached to my family and friends on Sunday mornings. I felt I had been under siege and my home was now my refuge. I was now preaching in the same room that Gorden Ferguson had preach during 1982.

I did however believed we should be in a local church but where could we join. I was very aware of the failing in the Gospel Standard way of things as they were at Beirton. Bierton church had in fact fallen from the way of grace of God. Even though their words were full of the language. Their Articles of Faith were clear that the Gospel is the rule of life for the believer but in practice the law of Moses was their law. Also the position of their added articles was very shaky and I found them inappropriate to adopt as a confession of faith. We found ourselves unchurched and I believed we should do something about it.

I have written about this in my article “The Bierton Chris’s”. See appendix.

I sought God in prayer and felt we should be prepared to move house and job in order to be in a church where God wanted us to be.

David Oldham, minister from Leicester, wrote to me and asked if he could help. He invited me to spend the day with him in Leicester to talk through things and he was a great help and support to me. I valued his offer of help very much and thank him to this day for his kindness.

I seek a city whose builder and maker is God (Heb. 11 v 10)

Having left the Bierton Strict and Particular Baptist Church I was full well aware of the New Testament order of Christian life. Scripture taught we should not forsake the assembling of ourselves together (Heb 10 verse 25). but rather be in fellowship with other believers. I sought therefore God in prayer and looked out for direction from the Lord as to where and what I should do.

82 Meeting Richard Bolt

At this time I met an old acquaintance, a Christian man called Dr. John Verna. I had first met him when I first became a Christian , at the age of 20. He was a Doctor working at Stoke Mandiville Hospital working in particular with paraplegic patients. He use to help with the Hospital outreach meetings which were held every month at the hospital. Several Christians from various churches had joined a group of Christian from the Assemblies of God Church in Aylesbury to reach patients detained in Hospital. Each month patients were individually invited to the Saturday night gospel meeting held specifically for patients and staff in the Archery unit of the paraplegics. They would be collected from the various wards in their beds and a different speaker ,each month, would give a gospel address and we would pray for them.

Dr. John Verna and his wife helped and encouraged and worked with this group of Christians.

I talked with John about my position at Bierton Church and he seemed keen to help and support me. He introduced me to a dear friend of his a Mr. Richard Bolt from a place in Kent near Matfield. John Verna believed Richard Bolt to have an apostolic ministry.

He and Richard Bolt came to my home and we spent quite some time together and I was encouraged by them both to continue to seek God for direction. Richard Bolt was a very straight forward man, direct encouraging and thoughtful. A man of conviction And I believed had the fear of the Lord. I respected him for his honesty and sincerity. It was good to meet him.

I expressed my misgivings about my dealings in the Pentecostal Churches and my new position in the  Strict Baptist churches.

Both groups it had occurred to me went to extremes. One held to the belief in the gifts of the supernatural gifts and Baptism in the Holy Ghost (Spirit) and looked for and expected manifestations of spiritual gifts in believers including the working of miracles ( Pentecostal ). They were very subjective and looked inward to them selves for the evidence of God working in and through them. whilst the other group ( Strict Baptists ) denied the operation of supernatural operation of spiritual gift such as speaking in tongues and gifts of healing etc. but rather looked inwardly to the evidence of Gods dealing with them by how unworthy they might feel to receive any thing from God. That doubts of salvation were a good sign and an evidence of faith rather than presumption. Both group depended on God the Holy Ghost to work and save. I had concluded both groups could go to extremes.

Both Richard Bolt and John were convinced of the supernatural baptism in the Holy Ghost (spirit) and looked for and expected God to operate the nine gifts of the Spirit including the working of miracles according to Mark 16 verse 17. They believed in the fullness of New Testament Christianity and I was keen to learn and hear even though I was cautious and careful.

One thing I observed was that Richard had lost many of his teeth and I assumed this was because he had believed God for healing and looked to God for divine health. I thought to my self that if Christian were to expect and experience divine healing in this day and age then how come Richard had so few teeth. I did not ask him about his teeth as I did not know  him sufficiently to ask such a direct and personal question.

83 I Meet John Metcalfe

Of Tyler’s Green Chapel

Whilst speaking to Dr. John Verna he informed me he and his wife had meet with John Metcalf of Penn, near High Wycombe, Buchinghamshire and that some of the people there often had a stall on the Market Square in Aylesbury selling Christian literature and the bibles sold were only the Authorised King James version.

I was interested and because I had recently picked up a small tract written by John Metcalf called “The Gospel of God” which was about the claims of the Papacy and John Paul the II. I desired to meet John Metcalf because I understood and agree with his writings in the tract. This had been most helpful and encouraging to me. John Verna and Richard Bolt left and I felt encouraged by our meeting and I decided to go and visit the Church at Penn so as to meet Mr. John Metcalfe.

One Sunday evening I decided to take my daughter Esther, she must have been about 3 or 4 years old and we drove to Penn and found the old chapel called Tyler’s Green Chapel. Old fashioned metal railings enclosed it and the gate was locked with no way in to the front door. It felt strange because the people were inside and a meeting was being held . I though to my self had this door been locked deliberately to give a psychological shock to late comers and the feeling of being locked out as would be the case of the 5 foolish virgins mentioned by Jesus in Matth 25 verse 2).

It was damp outside and getting dark but I was determined to meet Mr. Metcalf so Esther and I waited outside in then road until the meeting had finished. Eventually the meeting ended and the people filled out sedately and quietly. I took courage and walked up to a the man I believed to be John Metcalfe. Not too tall, well dressed, with a cream or white rain coat and white or grey hair. He was very and courteous when I introduced my self and explained my intent. I asked him about the chapel gates being locked for the locked gates and he smiled when I explained my thoughts about the 5 foolish virgins then explained they locked the gate to prevent vandalism during the meetings as they had had trouble in the past.

He informed his daughter and noted my persistence in waiting and that I had read his tract on John Paul the II, which seemed to encourage him. He then invited me back to his home for supper.

Esther and I were receive graciously and we exchanged much conversation. Mr. Metcalfe’s daughters made a fuss of Esther and gave her chocolate biscuits. I was invited to share my testimony of how I became a Christian and I deliberately decided to tell all that took place the night of my conversion holding nothing back.

( See full account of my conversion). All was very quite and nothing was said that I remember. I explained my present situation at Bierton Strict Baptist Church and the issues I had encountered regarding Particular Redemption, Law and Gospel, Added articles and finally Holy Tables. I was asked about my work and family and I explained I was  a Lecturer at Luton College and a minister of the gospel in Strict Baptist church.

I felt greatly encouraged and noticed how nicely the house was kept. All in a lovely garden, spacious and It was beautiful. It was old and charming just as a Royal house and John Metcalfe kept an Alsation as a guard dog.

John Metcalfe was a charming person a man of conviction, decisive and uncompromising. He seemed determined to follow God. I liked him and admired these qualities. I felt I could learn many things from this man. He had dealing with the Rev Ian Paisley but opposed him for unknown reasons. He despised the title Dr. and Dr. John Gill for accepting such titles. Also he had know Dr. Martin Lloyd Jones and eminent Christian ministers but opposed many things.

After that evening I returned another time with my wife and we were invited to attend the meeting at Tyler’s Green Chapel one Sunday morning when Mr. Metcalfe would be preaching. It was arranged that one of the members of the church would look after our four children whist we attended that morning meeting. This we did. This was a remarkable sermon and I had never heard such powerful preaching. I was greatly encouraged and I realised later to substance of his sermon was contained in his publication “ Messiah”. The sermon was eloquent, powerful and I believed very faithful to the word of God. I was greatly encouraged and admired the man and wanted to support his work.

After the meeting I was asked by Mr. Metcalfe how I had got on and he seemed to be looking for feedback. I had become unaccustomed to give any kind of feedback, which could give rise to puff the old  man up (rightly or wrongly), so I found this situation awkward. I kept quiet even though I was moved with excitement and wanted to express how well I had go on with the message spoken. It was so encouraged that I wanted to tell all my friends in excitement come and here a man speak the things of God.

It was shortly after this that Paul Rowlands, a minister in the Strict Baptist Church who also worked for the Trinitarian Bible Society, came to preach at Bierton Church. He was a great advocate of the Free Scottish Presbyterian church system and by conviction would only sing Psalms in Christian meetings. I spoke to Paul about John Metcalfe and invited him to meet him. Mr. Metcalfe seemed interested to meet Paul and I together so we were invited across to his home at Penn one evening together.

The Shot Gun Our Pockets Searched

Paul and I went one evening to John Metcalfe home and we were received well and our coats taken to be hung up. We were invited to sit in a large lounge rather like a large study and library. It was beautiful decorated and very eloquent. John Metcalfe was dressed in a smart suite and tie.

John Metcalfe spoke about his work and recent publications the Psalms, Spiritual Songs, and Hymns of the New Testament. Paul Rowland was got involved in talk regarding the Presbyterian church and the Scottish Psalm Book. They soon spoke on doctrinal issues regarding the Law of Moses and legal Righteousness. John Metcalfe maintaining he opposed the views put forward by the Calvinistic Presbyterians who maintained the righteousness of Christ ( that which he wrought out by obedience  to Law) was our justifying righteousness before God. He said he had had a lot of opposition from the Scottish Churches because he maintained the righteousness of Christ is not mentioned once in the New Testament only the Righteousness of God. This righteousness being distinct from Law.

I was not full well aware at the time of the significance to this distinction and at first did not understand the issue. How ever the evening went well and was very stimulating and not without surprise. John Metcalfe posed us with a question as though it were a riddle asking was the fruit that Adam eat good or bad. It was as though he did not expect us to answer because he reminded us God had said his work was very good. I knew the answer straight away I did not need to think but thinking there must be some reason behind the question I awaited and Paul answered. This answer was not satisfactory to Mr. Metcalfe and the issue was discussed. I did not answer because shortly after this John Metcalfe reached behind a curtain and brought out a shot gun in a dramatic gesture and proceeded to take out the cartridge(s). John Metcalfe was not amused when I laughed in amassment he said he was suspicious of our visit that he had been threatened by the IRA and had to be very careful. He also had just been informed that our pockets had been searched to check up on us and that tobacco had been found in one of the pockets. Mr. John Metcalfe later used this against the person in derogatory comments.

Our visit to Mr. Metcalfe was one not to be forgotten and was quite remarkable.

This cause me to consider many things and I tried to understand and unfathomed the discussion  regarding Justification. I had at that time been considering the view of eternal justification of Gods elect. I knew of the controversy of Antinomian and the legalists . I had shared with John Metcalfe a love of the writings of William Huntington and about Martin Luther’s issue of Justification by faith.

It was the misunderstanding of the conversation he and Paul Rowland had had regarding Justification that made me consider the issues I thought they raised. I understood the truth to be

1 Gods act of Justification, when viewed from the point before the world existed, was from all eternity. In one sense the elect were justified from all eternity ( in the mind of God) . How ever the work and merits of a justifying righteousness was to be performed in time by none other that our Lord Jesus Christ.

2 He was righteous by virtue of his person and spotless humanity. He did not become righteous by any works of the Law to Moses or other. I understood it was in His righteousness that sinners are clothed and accepted as righteous before God. This being the righteousness of God imputed to all that believe. This being the source and merits of a believers justification. It could only be brought about be blood and made effectual by blood. That being the death of Jesus in the cross. By His death our sins are removed and we be made clean from all our sins. (Rom 5 verse 9).

In actual experience how ever the sentence of Justification takes place upon the person believing God. It is received by faith and takes place in the conscience when first we believe receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our saviour. This is justification by  faith. (Rom 5 verse 1).

3 From this springs the joy of salvation which of course involve the senses of the soul. This experience resulting from justification.

I learned later how after this was not the issue with Paul Roland and John Metcalfe.

The follow Saturday morning I had a telephone call from John Metcalfe, I did not realise it was him at first thinking it was Dr. John Verna and I addressed him as John. This did not go down well he said I was being too familiar and I must address him as Mr. Metcalfe. Needless to say I felt awkward and that this man was being unnecessarily rude. We got on to speak about the feedback he wanted and I said I had things to say but would rather wait until I saw him face to face rather that no then telephone.

He became very impatient and demanded I say there and then on the telephone what I had to say. I felt threatened and awkward and was not at ease at all.

So I decided I would say about the things I found awkward and unacceptable first explaining that the tract he had written was in fact in error.

His reply was ,”look mate I have more theology than I would ever have in 1000 years. That my testimony of what Jesus had done for me was disgusting and that I was in the same danger as the Pharisees which blasphemed the Holy Ghost during the ministry of Jesus. There the conversation ended.

During all this time my wife had been concerned about me becoming involve with the man as she had notice how much and effect he had had on me.

That following week I was away on a week’s study at Durham University as I was a student with the Open University. Here I wrote Mr. John Metcalfe.

84 Letter To John Metcalfe

Dear Mr. Metcalfe     26 th July 1984

Further to our telephone conversation I have decided against meeting with you when I return from Durham.

The reasons:

You allow not the children of God to do as the apostle exhorts: “ despise not prophesying. Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil” 1 Thes 5 verse 20 - 22.

My words to you on the telephone were that on the one hand I could rejoice with you thanking God for “ here was a man I respected and trust in the things of God ( for various reasons) whilst on the other hand I got cross with you and could take extreme dislike to you for what appeared to be a sinister way, This I took exception too.

Now you did not inquire as to what I meant but rather justified all your ways, methods and actions by stating your beliefs, saying that for the first time I had come under the preaching of the word of God in the unction of the Holy Ghost. That as the opponents of Christ questioned the spirit by which the Lord Jesus performed his mighty works, so to I as an individual, came very close to their fearful condition.

Your then stated your beliefs in respect of my own testimony; either you rejected what I said as true or was in doubt as to its reality and substance ( correct me if I am wrong).

I am sorry if I offended you and your family when I gave my testimony , please forgive me. How ever I am not the only believer to speak of vile things. Deut  28 verse 53. Lam 2 verse 26 and Hos 1 verse 2 and many more. Do you impute guilt to these also as you do me ? Never the less what I spoke was true and an actual account and not as you seem to imply an opportunity to speak of self. For that true account I offer no apology.

If you reject what I said as truth I protest I am no liar. And if you are in doubts as to the reality well I cannot add to or diminish what the Lord Jesus works or works not. You are entitled to your opinion but pray give me the same liberty to judge you, your preaching, writings and assertions.

I still do not understand your impatience with me questioning you regarding the statement in the tract “The Gospel of God”.

You say the issue at the Reformation was: Given the merits of Christ person, how are they imputed and his person imparted. Page 33. I said to you. I could understand the statement of “ the merits of Christ’s person being imputed but not his person imparted.

I gave you room to explain, owned an ignorance and awaited further light and even said I would reconsider the statement. Here however you said you knew more theology than I ever would in a 1000 years, given it were possible I should be granted such time; called me mate and kept me at a formal distance.

Well be that as it may I still await a theological precise statement, whether it be in realms of high and heavenly things or in terrestrial things.

I say persons are communed with and not, with natures, imparted. Neither persons or natures imputed. I would suggest your tract should read:  Given the merits of Christ’s person, how are these imputed and His nature imparted. I say I was not seeking to find faults; it stuck out like a sore thumb, just as my incorrect spelling may do.

Here again I beg your pardon and apologise for any seeming impertinence. I say to you this behaviour of yours displays no humility of which you say is lacking in me. Also according to your judgement I am not low enough yet before God. You judge by appearances; so do I but are you right ? Only God knows the agonies, the heart searching and tears shed since our conversation and that is no pretence.

On these points I have mentioned I beg your reply and answers. For how can two walk together if these differences divide. I certainly have no intention of being your enemy. You said at one stage you wondered if I be teachable. Well I am allowing my feelings to act in judgement over these issues. This I do as you set the example and encourage or have I got this wrong as well ?

I get excited for you, over the production of Psalms and hymn book and would like to have seen them in use. I hope my letter to you now will not cause that breach to prevent it. I have read your tract 2 and have found both 1 and 2 very relevant, pertinent and well written. They search me. particularly tract 2 and I find I have walked the path of your tract.. May they be blessed of God for the furtherance of the Gospel and the purpose for which they were written.

I could comment on the tract 3 about Taylor Brethren but not unless you wish.

Yours very Sincerely.

David Clarke.

Following this letter in hot pursuit I wrote the next letter this would have arrived the next day.

Dear Mr. Metcalfe,

I also think it wrong to speak of the merits of the person of Christ.

The merits of Christ yes ! but not the merits of his person.


As the Son of God he is a divine person. By nature He is God. essentially God by nature.; personally the Son of the Father. To speak then of the merits of a divine person is abhorrent to the delicate and gracious soul for one cannot admit any imperfections in God nor demerit as to perfection’s, councils, actions or purposes. God is by definition essentially righteous. Perfectly just and right in all and in everything. Whether this glory be revealed or veiled always was and ever shall be.

The scripture speaks of the Lord Jesus Christ being the express image of the Fathers person.

I admit a complexity; in that the Lord Jesus Christ is bi natural, that is to say he has two natures. Yet he is but one person, co.-equal with the Father and Holy Ghost. By nature eternally God taking in to into union with himself, at the incarnation, our humanity, that which he was not, becoming truly man. There is now then a union of divine and human natures ( never to be desolved) hence Christ Jesus the Lord is a  glorious complex person.

We may speak of the merits of Christ Jesus for he is truly a human being, having a real soul created when made man; this man may accrue merit by virtue of living in this world being not only made under the Law of Moses but under every divine rule, him being subject unto his God and Father. The divine servant.

The expression then ,”how can the merits of Christ’s person be imputed” I say is too loose and really the whole quotation should read: given the merits of the Lord Jesus Christ how are they imputed and His nature imparted? This being the question at the Reformation.

If you think I am being nit picking then what kind of 1000 year theological course do you advocate as being worth while.

I write this way because I trust it will be of help to you. You certainly have helped me in causing me to consider many things. I also add I stand to be corrected and ask you to do so.

I expect I have touched on you doctrine of justification and perhaps you have deliberately phrased you statement in the tract the way you have because they reflect your views of justification. Am I right ?

Please excuse this hurried note but I must write as I am able.

Yours Sincerely,

David Clarke.

Durham. 25 th July 1984.

My two letters were returned with no comments. I took it that the was meant to express he rejected  my observations or council, against himself.

85 Attack On My Children

After the conflict at Bierton and my seeking to know the mind of God and seeking His direction I began to feel very weak and fearful and began to fear going out to preach. I soon was unable to face going out to fulfil those preaching engagements. I did not feel it right to go preaching and get other churches unnecessarily involved in judging the issues I had been involved in. I became through fear crippled or disabled. I felt like I was have a breakdown of some kind. I just did not know how to cope. I was not managing and I needed help.

The conflict with John Metcalfe made me very cautious.

Having just left Bierton Church I found it too much of a compromise of faith and religious principles to go to the Strict Baptist Church at Limes Avenue. These held to the Law being the rule of life for the believer and they had also adopted then use of the New International Version of the bible. Also the women had left off the practice of wearing head coverings in the worship of God.

All of which I had spoken to the minister Mr. Gary Benfold about and I found this just too much of a change and would have been too much of a compromise for me at the time.

I found my self very much alone. I needed Gods help and direction and was yet to be further tried.

At this time we visited K.K. and Grace knight with our children Isaac and Esther. Both K.K. And Grace attended our meetings on Sunday mornings at Bierton. On this K.K. in his usual friendly way talked  to Isaac and Esther and suggested they go to his computer and video recorder shed and play computer games with him.

When we were about to leave I went to the shed to collect the children and knocked the door as it was locked. After a short while K.K. opened the door and I saw Esther was giggling at laughing pointing to the television. She said something I could not understand. K.K. then went through the channels on the TV and took care to point out a program of some kind of apparent interest.

Isaac was silent and said nothing. I knew something was up and spoke to them in the car. When I asked Isaac what was wrong he said he was too embarrassed to say and then Esther said daddy, daddy there was doggies licking ladies bottoms.

I knew then why K.K. had sought to divert my attention to the fictitious TV program. He had been showing the children a video or copying a pornographic video allowing my children to watch it.

I knew of K.K’s’s past and had heard various thing from his own lips and this event was too much to suffer any more.

I felt very angry and was quite prepared to go and sort K.K. out there And then but a after seeking God in prayer I felt it right to report the matter to the police. These took clear statements from my children independently which clearly showed he had shown them a pornographic video. They visited K.K. and he denied it trying to explain things away.

The police were unable to prosecute as the law does not allow children’s statements ( Esther 3 years and Isaac 5 years old) on there own to get a prosecution. Strong corroboration was needed i.e. other evidence was needed before a court could proceed to conviction.

I was vary angry and felt I could not just let the matter rest. K.K. had Grandchildren and was dangerous as was to be discovered later.

I went a few days later to see K.K. at his daughters in Wendover and when he answered the door he slammed it back in my face and shouted through the letter box to clear off Clarke. My wife screamed with anger for all the neighbours to hear. Then K.K’s’s daughter in law’s husband, Don came out and asked us not to bother them as they did not want to get involved with what had happened. I was shocked and angry.

I wanted to ask K.K’s’s brother,