Craftsmanship - 12 Traits of All Exceptional Master by Aman Varma - HTML preview

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“You are remembered for the rules you break” Gen. Douglas MacArthur (Military Chief)


All highly successful people break rules. They go against the rules of the society or institution or religion. They are flexible with the rules because if they follow the rules they won’t to able to fulfil their desires or do something innovative.

Extraordinary people have an idea or a thought that they want to bring into existence, which is unusual to the society. The society doesn’t believe in them and so to prove themselves they have to break the rules. The rules over here indicate the mental barriers of the society as well as the laws of nature.

Sam Walton wrote that the most important rule in business is to break all the rules. He has also said, “I always prided myself on breaking everybody else’s rules, and I always favoured the mavericks who challenged my rules.” His innovative and daring approach to business established the worldwide Wal-Mart chain, which replaced Exxon as the largest corporation in the world in 2002.

Bill Gates broke the rules and we got the “Microsoft” Einstein broke the rules and we got the “Theory of relativity”

Nelson Mandela went against the society and we got Human Rights Mahatma Gandhi broke the rules and we got “Freedom”

“History is made by those who broke the rules”

But you should know which rule to break and when to break. You should know if you need to follow the rules or not. If you want to break through the rules for good, which will benefit you and the people around you, go for it.


“Breaking rules isn’t bad when what you’re doing is more important than the rule itself” Kim Harrison (Author)

“Learn the rules like a pro, so that you can break them like an artist” Pablo Picasso (Spanish Painter)

“Know the rules well, so you can break them effectively” Dalai Lama XIV (Monk/Spiritual teacher)

“There are no rules here we are trying to accomplish something” Thomas Edison (Inventor)

**Special note: Don’t let the rules stop you, small mindedness limit you and others opinions defeat you.

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