Craftsmanship - 12 Traits of All Exceptional Master by Aman Varma - HTML preview

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“You can’t have a million dollar dream, with a minimum wage work ethic”


If you have strong work ethics, you can win battles. All highly successful people from Michael Jordan (Basketball Player) to Marissa Mayer (CEO Yahoo) or Howard Schultz (CEO Starbucks) have strong work ethics that has got them to top position. You need not have work ethics but strong work ethics; this is what will make the difference. Mediocre people are mediocre because their work ethics are average. Highly successful people are masters, they have STRONG WORK ETHICS.

Strong work ethics is made up of massive hard work, sacrifices, diligence and generation of value. Here is one of the views about work ethic from Will Smith and how important it is where Will says (about 2:00 during the interview):

“I’ve never viewed myself as particularly talented. Where I excel is ridiculous sickening work ethic” Will Smith (Actor)

SWEAT – Strong Work Ethics & Tenacity will help you reach your goals.

Viggo Mortensen says I have a strong work ethic. If I say I’m going to do something, I do it.

Robert Noyce says If ethics are poor at the top that behaviour is copied down through the organization.

I want you to have strong work ethics, it is one of the most important and common quality in all highly successful people. Here are some examples of people with strong work ethics

Apple CEO Tim Cook routinely begins emailing employees at 4:30 in the morning.

NBA legend Michael Jordan spent his off seasons taking hundreds of jump shots a day.

WPP CEO Sir Martin Sorrell is a legendary workaholic whose employees can expect emails at any hour of the night.

Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer routinely pulled all nighters and 130- hour work weeks while at Google.

Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz continues to work from home even after putting in 13-hour days.

GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt spent 24 years putting in 100-hour weeks.

JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon spends his weekends preparing to grill employees on Monday.

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