Craftsmanship - 12 Traits of All Exceptional Master by Aman Varma - HTML preview

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“The path to success is to take massive, determined actions” Tony Robbins (Author)


Successful people (mediocre) think. Highly successful people Act. The only difference between an average and highly successful person is that Highly Successful people take rapid, massive and determined actions. They just don’t keep thinking about something instead they take actions to make that dream come true. Mediocre people keep analysing rather over analysing situations which stop them from taking actions; while on the other hand highly successful people think what to do, how to do, when to do and why to do. They do not over think and over analyse the result of their actions in advance. They believe in their actions more than their thoughts.

Paralysis by analysis is what defines mediocre people and I don’t want you to do that, ever.

Think before you act but don’t keep thinking so much that it stops you from acting. Over thinking is the biggest cause of failure and an enemy to action. It paralyzes you, breaks your momentum.

Action is the most important key to any success. Stay committed to your decisions but stay flexible in your approach.

“Action is the foundational key to all success” Pablo Picasso

I have observed that highly successful people value their time and so they have a high rate of implementation. As soon as they strike with an idea they start working upon it. They do not procrastinate, they are not lazy. They are proactive which means they take charge of their own actions; they hold themselves accountable and do not blame any person or situation for any kind of failure.

Without actions you cannot see results. I cannot stress how much taking action is important and it is not just about actions but massive actions that will get you results. You cannot take massive actions without thinking big.

“If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten”- Tony Robbins

If you are ready to take Massive Determined Actions you can use a tool which is called MAP (Massive Action Plan) constructed by Tony Robbins. Basically it is a three steps model where you gain clarity of what you need to do to achieve your BIG dream. It includes 3 columns as:

1. Massive Action Plan (Actions you will take)

2. Result (What result you want)

3. Purpose (Why you want to do it)

This tool is used by the most successful people across the world which guarantees results. I have been using it for years and It works wonders.

“Don’t wait until you are ready to take action. Instead, take action to be ready” Jensen Siaw

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