Craftsmanship - 12 Traits of All Exceptional Master by Aman Varma - HTML preview

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“The only way to achieve big is to think big and push your limits.”


One day I was reading a book named “Trump: Thinking Big” and it completely blew my mind. I started noticing a pattern in all highly successful people; it is another trait that made them highly successful and achieve far more than they thought.

Thinking big is one of the most import traits you need to inculcate in yourself. If you want to achieve something big, you need to think big. You need to push your standards so high that you will have to work your hardest ass off. Bill Zanker founder of The Learning Annex said how his 5.5 million dollar company exploded to a 107 million dollars in just 4 years, the secret behind this big step was – he though BIG. The though 1000 times bigger than his capacity and that is what pushed him from 5.5 million to 107 million dollars. You need to see the big picture. Donald Trump’s biggest secret of his 4.5 billion dollar empire is – He thought big, really big!

“The degree of your achievement is directly proportionate to the degree of your thinking big”

In the book “The magic of thinking big” by David Schwartz, David says “the only thing that is holding people back is their small thoughts” He explains with an example of how a salesman sell more and earn more than his colleagues, the only difference was the salesman thought bigger than any of his colleagues and that is why he pushed himself further to others. Another important idea that David reminds us through this book is - 'To see what can be, not just what is'. He explains that visualization adds value to everything and thinking big means training oneself to see not just what is, but what can be.

Dhirubhai Ambani founder of Reliance Industries quotes “If you can dream it, you can achieve it.”

And that makes sense, Alexander Graham Bell “thought” that it is possible for two people to communicate from a far distance and so came the invention of Telephone. Thinking big is the source of all invention, wealth, progress and everything.

Take a look at your surroundings, do you see that big box ‘TV’ it is the result of someone’s thinking big. It is necessary for you to think big in order to generate something bigger.

Warning! Thinking Big alone will not get you all the results. As I have stated earlier all the traits synchronise together and therefore it is essentials for you to use all these traits together. The next step after thinking big is taking MASSIVE RAPPID ACTIONS.


“You have to think anyway, so why not think BIG?”- Donald Trump

“Think little goals and expect little achievements. Think big goals and win big success” David Schwartz

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